Hearing God In 1Peter 4 (Dec 18)

Be Good Stewards of God

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
living hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right and 
imitate Christ in submissive spirit.
And God will richly reward you
when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we will reflect Your Grace:
Most of all, continue to show deep
love for each other; for Love Covers
a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).
Be hospitable to one another
without grumbling. As each has
received a gift, minister it to one
another as Good Stewards of the
manifold grace of God (v9-10).
If anyone speaks, they should do it
as one who speaks the Very Words
of God… so that in all things God
may be praised (1 Peter 4:11) Amen.

Lord, I confess a lack of love & need
for Your unfailing love toward some.
Help me to yield to Your Spirit and
experience deeer intimacy with You
and Your love for me. Then may
Your love so fill me that others may
feel splashes from the overflow.
And in those relationships that are
toughest, grant me Your Love which
covers a multitude of sins. Amen.

Lord, sometimes we neglect
relationships & erect boundaries
due to distrust and bitterness.
We also confess of commitment
phobia and sins of the flesh that
block us from Christlike love.
Grateful for the spiritual gifts that
the Holy Spirit has given to me.
Help me to use them well to serve
one another. In His name, Amen.

Lord, let me declare Your Words,
and let me recognise them in others.
We often ask You to speak to us,
and it only make sense that You
will use people to do so. Help me
to hear Your words in season for me.
And help me speak forth Your
thoughts for your people graciously.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In 1Peter 2 (Dec 17)

Live as People of the Lord

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
living hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right and 
imitate Christ in submissive spirit.
And God will richly reward you
 when the trials of life are over.

Lord,we’ll live as Yr Special People:
But you are a chosen generation, 
        a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
      His own Special People, that you
   may proclaim the praises of Him
    who called you out of darkness
        into His marvellous light (1Pet 2:9)
  Live such good lives among the
pagans that…they may see your
good deeds & Glorify God (v12).
      Live As Free People, but do not
         use your freedom as a cover-up
        for evil; live as God’s slaves (v16)

Lord, thank You for bringing me
out of darkness into Your wonderful
light because of Your mercy.
Thanks for making us Your Special
People, Your very own possession.
Help me to continually yield to
You so that the life and character
of Christ will be formed in me.
Then others may see Yr goodness
and will be drawn to You. Amen.

Lord, You are good and holy and
we pray our lives will honour You.
And I pray that You will enable me
have godly character so that my life
will be a Shining Example of You.
Lord, live in me and live through me
so that those who disagree or even
dislike me will be drawn to You and
to the saving knowledge of U. Amen

Lord, it is a phenomenal truth
that I am truely Free In Christ.
And I confess not always living it out.
Instead of joyful delight in Your
refreshing salvation, sometimes
I do feel like I am barely making it.
Nevertheless, I claim Your promise
that I am free. Help me live beyond
what I want to what You desire.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In 1Peter 1 (Dec 16)

Living Word Gives Living Hope

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
Living Hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right; by
Imitating Christ in your submissive
spirit. And God will richly reward
you when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we Value Our Inheritance:
Praise be to the God…In His Great
Mercy He has given us new birth
into a Living Hope through the
resurrection of Christ from the
dead into an inheritance that
can never perish… (1Pet 1:3-4).
Now for a little while you may have
had to suffer… in all kinds of trials.
These have come so that the
proven genuineness of your faith:
of Greater Worth than gold (v6-7).
Your new life will last forever
because it comes from the eternal
living word of God (v23). Amen.

Father, I thank you for the hope
and inheritance that you have
provided by the resurrection of
Your Son and our Saviour Jesus.
I praise You for the boundless
mercy that gave me the privilege of
being born again to a Living Hope.
Thank you for not only giving me
life but also a priceless inheritance
for all Your dear children. Amen.

Lord, help me realise that trials
are meant for my Ultimate Good;
so help me learn to rejoice in You.
Help me to hold on to what You
have promised for the future.
And as I face trials, pray that I will
continually seek Your guidance;
that my character be refined by U
and that U will strengthen my faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, when You have given us a
vision, we don’t need to ask about
current circumstances that are
inconsistent with it. Your purposes
are eternal; and Your Words to
us are based in those purposes.
Whatever You tell us will endure;
and we trust them for as long as
it takes to see them come to pass.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Meditating Ps 146-150 (Dec 15)

Praise the Praiseworthy God

The Fifth book of Psalms (107-150)
is similar to Deuteronomy being
anthems of praise and thanksgiving
for God & his Word. And Ps 146-150
builds to a climax of praise:
Praise God for Best Hope (146);
Praise God for His Care (147);
Praise God for His creation (148);
Praise God for His justice (149);
Praise God for His Greatness (150).
Praise the Praiseworthy God!!

Dear Lord, thank You for giving us
the book of Psalms that teaches us
how to pray and how to praise You.
And we praise you unceasingly
For You are our Best Hope,
For You are Caring and Mighty &
For You are completely Great.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You are our Best Hope:
Praise the Lord! I tell myself.
I will praise the Lord as long
as I live. I will sing praises to my
God even with my dying breath.
Don’t put confidence in powerful
people; there is no help for u there.
But happy are those who have the
God of Israel as their helper, whose
hope is in the Lord their God, who
made heaven & earth (Ps 146:1-6).
Lord, forgive me for putting my
confidence in people instead of You
for You made heaven and earth.
You are unchanging and almighty,
and help to those who are in need.
You keep all your promises. I put my
hope in you & I praise You. Amen.

Lord, You are Caring & Mighty:
The Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem
& bringing the exiles back to Israel.
He heals the broken-hearted.
His power is absolute! The strength
of a horse doesn’t impress him;
how puny in his sight is the strength
of a man. Rather, the Lord’s
delight is in those who honour Him,
those who put their hope in His
unfailing love (Ps 147:2-5, 10-11).
Lord, forgive me when I’ve relied on
someone/something other than You.
Those things are puny compared
to the Strength that You give
when we acknowledge our
weakness & dependence on You.
Lord, I purpose to honour You;
and I put my trust in your absolute
Power and unfailing love. Amen.

Lord, You are Completely Great:
Praise the Lord! Praise God…
Praise Him in His mighty heaven!
Praise Him for His mighty works;
praise His unequaled Greatness!l
Praise Him with a blast of trumpet…
Let everything that lives sing praises.
Praise the Lord! (Ps 150:1-3,6)
Lord, I join the heavenly hosts to
worship You for Your mighty works.
I praise Your unequalled Greatness.
I praise U for You have sustained me
for Yr faithfulness, love & provision.
May my heart and voice offer You
the praise Your glory deserves!
And let everything that lives
sing praises to the Lord! Amen.


Meditating Ps 140-145 (Dec 14)

God Can Be Counted Upon !!

The Fifth book of Psalms (P107-150)
is similar to book of Deuteronomy
being anthems of praise and
thanksgiving for God & his Word.
And Ps 138-145 are attributed
to King David. In his hour of need,
David found God praiseworthy
for his unfailing Promises (138),
for his Omnipresence (139),
for he is a sure Refuge (140-142),
being a listening Ear (143), a strong
Arm (144) & a merciful King (145).

Lord, we thank and praise You for
being mighty, good and faithful.
And when in problems, we can run
to You to find refuge & deliverance.
For You Can Be Counted upon.
For You Reach Down to us &
For You Are Near when we pray.
For You Will Come & Save us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we are Counting on You:
Lord, I am calling to you. Plse hurry!
Listen when I cry to you for help!
Take control of what I say O Lord,
and keep my lips sealed. Don’t let
me lust for evil things; don’t let me
participate in acts of wickedness.
Don’t let me share in the delicacies
of those who do evil (Psa 141:1-4)
Lord, I praise You that You are
a God I can count on to keep me!
Left to myself, I am not strong
enough to walk in Your paths.
Deliver me from choosing
my own way instead of Yours.
Strengthen my heart & work within
me according to Your plans. Amen.

Lord, You Reach Down to Us:
Blessed be the Lotd my Rock…
My lovingkindness and my fortress,
My high tower and my deliverer,
My shield & the One…I take refuge.
O Lord, what are mortals that You
should notice us, mere humans
that You should care for us?…
Bend down the heavens, Lord,
and come down (to us) (Ps 144:1-5)
Lord, as we will be soon celebrating
Your birth, we praise You for coming
to earth so that we who believe in
You might receive Your forgiveness
and experience Your love. You are
Emmanuel, God with us. Although
we are mere humans, You reached
down from high and brought us out
of darkness into Yr marvellous light.
And You are also our Rock, our
shield and our deliverer. Amen.

Lord, You are Near when we pray:
The Lord is full of compassion.
The Lord is near to all who call…
to all who call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of those who
fear Him; He also will hear their cry
and save them. The Lord preserves
all who love Him (Ps 145:8, 18-20).
Lord, I confess having doubted You
were near to hear my prayers for
it seemed they went unanswered.
Help me to pray more fervently
during times of unanswered prayer
instead of being concerned that
nothing will change. For You are
full of compassion and You always
do what You promise. Amen.

Hearing God In Jude (Dec 13)

Contending for the Faith

Alarmed by the presence of
 false teaching, Jude exhorts believers to stand firm for the truth.
He ends his short epistle with
a series of urgent commands:
Remember Christ’s words,
remain in God’s love and seek
to remove erring brothers from
the fiery danger of their ways.

Lord, You Will Keep Us:
Build each other up in… faith,
pray in the power of the Holy Spirit…
And you must show mercy to those
whose faith is wavering (Jude 20-22)
All glory to God, who Is Able to Keep
You from stumbling, and who will
bring you into His glorious presence
innocent of sin & with great joy (v24)
All Glory to Him, who alone is God
our Saviour, thro Christ our Lord.
Yes, glory, majesty, power and
authority belong to Him, now,
and forevermore (Jude 25) Amen.

Lord Jesus thank you for giving
me the hope that saved my life.
In gratitude, I choose to serve as
Your servant for the rest of my life.
And I also purpose to build others
in their faith and in their recovery.
Mold me to be more merciful and
help me to be tender with sinners.
Grant me the needed breakthrough
so that I can effectively testify the
message of hope, especially to
those whose faith is wavering. Amen

Father, You are powerful and loving
and can keep us from stumbling.
You God not only saves us but
also never leaves us or forsake us.
You will lead us step by step until
You bring us into Yr presence. And
You are Able to bring good out of
evil & keep everything that we have
committed until the day we see You
face-to-face. You are a God whose
promises we can count on. Amen.

Abba, thank You for the great gift
of salvation through Christ Jesus.
Thank You for being compassionate
& I purpose to constantly praise You.
Glory to You God, the one who is
able to bring me into Your glorious
presence blameless & with great joy!
Help me depend on Your Power
& strength as You work within me.
All glory, majesty and authority
belong to You now & forever. Amen.

Hearing God In James 5 (Dec 12)

Faith & Patience In Suffering

Just as a human body that fails
to breathe is labelled a dead body,
so too a faith that fails to breathe
us labelled a dead faith. And the
breath of faith in the Christian life
is good works: demonstrating
concern for the poor, controlling
the tongue & building up others.
True faith & good works cannot be
divorced, for your life is the lab in
which your faith is shown to be real.

Lord, we will Keep On Praying:
Be Patient as you Wait for the Lord…
Consider the farmers who patiently
wait for the rains… They eagerly
look for the valuable harvest to ripen.
You too must Be Patient (Jas 5:7-8).
Are there among you Suffering?
They should Keep On Praying
about it. And those who have reason
to be thankful should continually
sing praises to the Lord (Jas 5:13)
The Prayer offered in Faith 
will make the sick person well…
Therefore Confess your sins to
each other and Pray for each
other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man is 
powerful & effective (v15-16) Amen.

Lord, so many of us struggle with
being patient. And You teach us
patience by putting us in situations
where we really have to be patient.
You Lord wants us to learn & grow
in this character trait. And so You
put us in circumstances that push
our patience to the uttermost.
So Lord, help us to take courage
and patiently wait so that You
will reward us in Your time. Amen.

Lord, I want to be a faithful follower
who doesn’t stop praying because 
of delay, setback or even weariness.
For You won’t delay any longer than
is needed to achieve Your purpose.
Empower me to Keep On Praying
until the answers come, to be
continually thankful to You and
bless Your holy name. Amen.

Lord, grateful our righteousness
comes from what You have done.
And we are righteous because of 
Your great sacrifice on the cross.
Help us to Confess our sins not
only to You, but also to each other
so that healing can come to us all.
Thank You for making our prayers
powerful and effective. Amen.

Hearing God In James 4 (Dec 11)

Humbly Drawing Near to God

Just as a human body that fails to
breathe is a dead body, so a faith
that fails to breathe is a dead faith.
The breath of faith in the Christian
life is good works: demonstrating
concern for the poor, controlling
the tongue & building up others.
True faith & good works cannot be
divorced, for your life is the lab in
which your faith is shown to be real.

Lord, we’ll Come & Submit to You:
He gives more grace. Therefore
He says: God Resists the proud,
but gives grace to the humble.
Therefore submit to God. Resist
the devil and he will flee from you.
Draw Near to God and He will
draw near to You (James 4:6-8).
Humble yourselves in the sight of
the Lord & He will lift you up (v10).

Lord, You Resist the proud but show
grace and favour to the humble.
Keep me from being full of myself
and thinking myself better than
or more important than others.
Help me not to blindly keep up
with the Jones and be seduced
to embrace a lifestyle of busyness
and let pride rule over me. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your grace.
Thank You for dying for my sins and
thank You for being my protector.
O God, my enemy is strong and
sinister; but You are stronger.
Give me the grace to recognise
the attacks of the enemy and the
strength to spurn his sinful offers.
Grant me the will to Submit to You
Lord and to Resist the devil. Amen.

Lord, I want to know You more and
know Your specific will for my life. 
Your Word says You Make Your
heartbeat known to those whose
hearts Draw Near towards You and
to those whose hearts are tender.
And even as I purpose to yield
my heart towards You, share Your
deepest impulses with me. Amen.

Hearing God In James 2 (Dec 10)

Living Out Your Faith

Just as a human body that fails
to breathe is labelled a dead body,
so too a faith that fails to breathe
us labelled a dead faith. And the
breath of faith in the Christian life
is good works: demonstrating
concern for the poor, controlling
the tongue, exhibiting a spirit of
humility and building up others.

Lord, we will Live Out our Faith:
What good is it… if someone
claims to have faith but has no
deeds?.. Faith by itself, if it is not
accompanied By Action, is dead.
But someone will say: You have
faith; I have deeds. Show me your
faith without deeds, and I’ll show u
my faith by my Deeds (Jas 2:14-18)
Abraham believed God, and
God counted him as righteous
because of his faith. He was even
called the Friend of God (v23).

Lord, we realise we are to show
our faith by the good Deeds we do.
Help us Be Obedient in trusting You.
Help us take time to be with you,
studying your Word and praying.
Help us do acts of kindness for
someone. Whilst we may mess up
from time to time, help us learn
from mistakes and move on. Amen.

Lord, we want to be Your Friend.
Grant us faith that works
its way outward in our lives.
Grant us faith that will cause
us to do what we believe in.
Help us to be more like You, know
Your purpose & be united with You.
Let our faith and actions draw us
closer to You as a Friend. Amen.

Lord, You want believers not only
to hear the truth but also to do it.
Grant us grace to love & to serve;
and help us to seek ways of
Living Out Our Faith In You, for
they are evidence of true faith.
Help us to be more obedient;
help us to trust You more; and
draw us closer to You. Amen.

Hearing God In James 1 (Dec 9)

Persevering Through Trials

Apostle James shows how true
faith produces doers of the Word
and will bear fruit in actions & deeds.
James offers many tests for genuine
faith: It endures trials, obeys the
Word, harbours no prejudice,
controls the tongue, is separated
from the world & resists the devil.
Above all, faith waits patiently
for the coming of the Lord.

Lord, we will Persevere thro trials:
Consider it pure joy whenever You
face trials because the testing of
Your faith produces Perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its work
so that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.
If any of you Lacks Wisdom,
he should Ask God, who gives
generously to all without finding
fault, and it will be given to him.
But when he asks, he must Believe
and Not Doubt (Jas 1:2-6). Amen.

Lord, grant me the hallmark of my
faith be the ability to face troubles
with Your perspective in mind.
Grant me Lord the ability to
face troubles with Your grace.
Help me to hold on to Your promise
so that when my faith is tested,
Endurance has a chance to grow,
and I will be Complete In You. Amen

Lord, thank You that Your Word
promises that You will give
wisdom to us when we ask for it.
So I Ask For Wisdom, for I know
true wisdom comes only from You.
Help me to be wise in daily decision
especially when I must act quickly.
Help me to know what to do & what
not to do in any situation. Amen.

Lord, we note in Your Word that
when we ask, we must Believe
and Not Doubt. So help me Lord
not to be double-minded, but
to set my mind fully on You Lord.
And even as I choose to believe,
I trust that You will keep me from
error, guide me into truth and
I will be Complete In You. Amen.