Thought of the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Moses has died and Joshua is
appointed by God to take the reins
of leadership. The people are poised
within view of the land promised
to their ancestors and denied their
unbelieving parents. The task seems
impossible: a turbulent river to ford;
foreign terrain to cross; mighty walled
cities to conquer. So God begins
to prepare His people for the days
of warfare just ahead. He reminds
Joshua that careful attention to
His Word brings blessing & success.
Spies are sent to survey Jericho,
the first obstacle in the land. The
priests bearing the ark of covenant
lead the people across the rampaging
Jordan. The stage is set for conquest.

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Jos 2:10-11)

Lord Elohim Bashamayim,
who sits in heaven above,
You are truly ruler over all.
Power and might are in Your hand.
You alone can go before us to
open doors we could not open
on our own, and lead in a path we
could not have created on our own.
Be gracious Lord towards us as we
lift up our eyes & look to You. Amen

Lord Elohim Bashamayim, Your
word says: This is the victory
that overcomes, even my faith,
because You are God in heaven.
Forgive my little faith when it
comes to living out the victory
You have gained through Christ.
Have mercy when I doubt You
and show me grace as You
pardon my sins against You. Amen.

Lord Elohim Bashamayim, lift up
Your mighty arm and open Your
outstretched hand in my life
that I may experience Your power.
Clarify Your will so that I can
walk in the blessing of Your way
and bless others in the process.
Grant me Your favour because
nothing can stand in the way
when Your hand is upon me. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Josh 2:10-11)
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and be ministered by inspiring song.

Meditating on John 3-5 (Feb 7)

Compassion of the Son of God

Backgrounder: Jesus’ ministry
is not reserved for the temple.
At any time and place, He is ready
with a word and a healing touch.
Nicodemus comes by night seeking
answers and finds the miracle of
the second birth. The Samaritan
woman comes seeking water at
the well and leaves to tell her city
about a source of living water
that will never run dry. The paralytic
at the pool finds that even 38 years
of lameness is no obstacle to
the miracle-working Son of God.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast… Jesus’
Compassion knows no bounds.

Dear Lord Jesus, You show in
Your earthly ministry Your deep
Compassion for people in need;
whether it be Nicodemus’ seeking
answers to spiritual truth; or
Samaritan woman’s seeking
the source of living water or
paralytic’s need for healing.
Help us Emulate Your Compassion
both in words as well as in deeds;
for everyone needs compassion.
Help us Respond to Your Love;
Help us Spread the Good News;
Help us Follow the Father. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Love:
For God so Loved the world that
He Gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal
life. God did not send his Son
into the world to condemn it,
but to save it (John 3:16-17).
Lord Jesus, it can be difficult to
comprehend love so great as Yours.
You laid down Your life for me
so that I can live forever with You.
Help me to lay down my life for You
to serve Your purpose here on earth.
My response to Your first loving
me is to Love You Wholeheartedly
in return. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Spread the Good News:
The woman left her water jar
beside the well and went back
to the village and told everyone:
Come and Meet a man who told
me everything I ever did! Can this
be the Messiah? So the people
came streaming from the village
to See Him (John 4:28-30).
Lord, forgive me when gratitude
over knowing You has waned.
I want others to know You and
experience Your work in their lives.
Use me to Spread the Good News
especially to those in my circle.
Pray that I will be so amazed by
what You have revealed that I will
not hesitate to share the hope with
those who don’t yet know You. Amen

Lord, we will Follow the Father:
Jesus explained: I tell you the truth,
the Son can do nothing by Himself.
He does only what He sees the
Father doing. Whatever the Father
does, the Son also does. For the
Father loves the Son & shows Him
everything He’s doing(Jn 5:19-20)
Lord, I turn my gaze from earthly
circumstances all over to You.
Let me see thru Your eyes and align
myself with Your work around me;
for I want to honour You in my life.
Help me know clearly the right
thing to do in every situation
and give me the courage to do it.
Help me serve You, build Your kingdom & grow spiritually, so that
I will be ready for Your return. Amen

Meditating on John 1-2 (Feb 6)

Coming of the Son of God

Matthew, Mark and Luke are called
synoptic gospels because they
contain much of the same material.
By contrast John, the supplementary
gospel provides a fourth dimension
of Jesus’ life and ministry. Fully 92%
of John’s material is not found in
any other gospel account. John
writes to convince his readers
Who Jesus is (the Son of God)
and how new life can be found
in Him (20:30-31). He begins in
eternity past, showing how the
Word who was one with God (1:1)
became flesh in order to take
His message of life to mankind.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Coming
to mankind as the Son of God.
Because You Jesus is God’s Son,
we can fully trust what You say.
By trusting You, we can gain open mind to discern God’s message
and fulfil His purpose in our lives.
Lord, we Place Our Trust In You.
Lord, we Seek Your Presence, and
Lord, we’ll Trust and Obey. Amen.

Lord, we Place Our Trust In You:
He came to that which was His
own, but His own did not receive
Him. Yet to all who received Him,
to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become
children of God (John 1:11-12).
Lord Jesus, I do believe in You
and I have accepted you as my
Savior and Master. Thank You
for revealing Yourself to me;
and thank You for saving me.
Because of Your grace and my
faith, I am a child of the living God
and I praise You for the privilege.
What joy to know in every situation
I have a loving and wise Heavenly
Father to counsel me. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Presence:
And the Word became flesh and
dwelt among us, and we beheld
His glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth (Jn 1:14).
From His abundance we have
all received one gracious
blessing after another (v16).
Lord, despite the promise that
You’re always with me, sometimes
I just can’t sense Your presence.
Cause me to be thankful & grateful
of the fullness of Your salvation.
Open my eyes to behold how
immense Your love is; and grant me
to experience your love more fully.
Make me complete with the fullness
of life that comes from You. Amen.

Lord, we will Trust & Obey You:
Jesus asked: How does that concern
you & me? My time has not yet come.
But his mother told the servants:
Do whatever he tells u… Jesus told
the servants: Fill the jars with water.
When the jars had been filled to
the brim, dip some out and take it
to the master of ceremonies. So they
followed his instructions (Jn 2:4-8).
Lord, we note the servants had just
sufficient faith to do what You said.
And in effect, faith boils down to
trusting God enough to do what
He says, however odd or unusual,
and leaving the results to Him. So
Lord, please give me the courage
to hear and obey Your voice. Amen.

Preview on John Gospel (Feb 6)

Believing in the Son of God

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we had been meditating scripture
by time sequence over last 25 mths
over three Old Testament phases:
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Post Exilic Period & Prophets

Continuing into the New Testament,
the gospel of John is a gospel apart.
Matthew, Mark and Luke despite
their different view-points, describe
many same events in Jesus’ life.
But John presents unique material
to prove to his readers that Jesus
is God in the flesh, born to die
as the sacrifice for human sin.
Seven miraculous signs and
seven “I am” declarations are cited
to show that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God; and that believing
we may have life in His name.

We will meditate John gospel over
3 weekends on following 6 divisions:
Jn 1-2: Coming of the Son of God
Jn 3-5: Compassion of Son of God
Jn 6-8: Claims by the Son of God
Jn 9-12: Conflict with Son of God
Jn 13-17: Comfort from Son of God
Jn 18-21: Crucificion of Son of God
O Jesus, because You’re God’s Son,
we can fully trust what You say.
And by trusting You, we can gain
an open mind to understand God’s
message and fulfil His purpose for
our lives. In Jesus’ precious name.

Reflection on Joshua

Knowing God thru His Names.

The purpose of the book of Joshua
is to give the history of Israel’s
conquest of the promised land.
This week we understand God
better thru His revelation of Himself
of various names, mostly related to
His ability to meet needs of people.
On Monday, we learn from Joshua 2
that He is Supreme God in heaven.
On Tuesday, we learn from
Joshua 3 that He is the Living God.
On Wed we learn from Joshua 3
that He is the Lord of All the Earth.
On Thursday, we learn Joshua 22
that He is the Mighty One.
On Friday, we learn Joshua 24
that He is the Holy God.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Joshua 24 (Feb 5)

The Holy God Elohim Kedoshim

After being commended for their
faithful service in conquering the
land of Canaan, the warriors of the
tribes east of Jordan are sent home.
They recognised the Jordan River
which forms a natural barrier may
become a spiritual barrier as well.
To prevent this, a memorial altar
is built on the riverbank – an act
misunderstood by the tribes west
of Jordan. Civil war nearly breaks
out before the real motives behind
the altar are revealed. The book
closes with Joshua’s farewell
address in which he gives the
people an ultimatum: Choose you
this day whom you will serve.

Hallowed be Elohim Kedoshim:
Choose for yourself this day whom
you will serve, whether the gods
which your fathers served that
were on other side of the River,
or the gods of the Amorites,
in whose land you dwell. But
as for me and my house we will
serve the Lord… (Joshua 24:15).
Joshua said to the people: He is
a Holy God (Elohim Kedoshim);
he is a jealous God. He will not
forgive your rebellion and your sins;
if you forsake the Lord and serve
foreign gods. He will turn and bring
disaster on you and make an end of
you, after He has been good to you.
But the people said to Joshua: No!
We will serve the Lord (Jos 24:19-21)

Lord Elohim Kedoshim, You dwell
in high and holy place, yet You also
dwell with those who are contrite
and of a humble heart. We thank
You, the Holy One, that You made
a way through Jesus Christ to
allow us into Your presence. And
grateful though You are holy, You
desire our heart & want to share
intimate relationship with us. Amen.

Lord Elohim Kedosim, I know You
want me to be holy as You are holy.
But I have fallen short in the past,
I fall short of it in the present,
and will fall short of it in the future.
In my finiteness I sin far too often.
My sins of commission and sins
of omission offend Your beauty
and purity. Forgive me for the
worry, doubt, anger and lack of
love in my heart at times. And
cleanse me in Your holiness. Amen.

Lord Elohim Kedoshim, I ask You
to show me favour and patience
even as I strive each day to
be more of a reflection of You
than I have been in the past.
Make my heart holy like Yours.
Speak to me before I think of wrong
thoughts or make wrong choices.
Intervene in my life and empower me
to live in holiness each day. Amen.

Hearing God In Rev 2-3 (Dec 31)

Being Drawn Back to First Love

John writes to the seven churches
      in Asia Minor to address their
scriptural need. Each message
 begins with the expression:
 I know thy works; each contains
a promise: to him that overcometh;
each concludes with the warning:
 He that hath ear, let him hear what
 the Spirit says to the churches.
 In short, John sends words of
 reproof and reassurance from
 Jesus Christ, the Alpha & Omega.

Lord, we’ll Come Back to First Love:
I know all about the things you do.
 I have seen your hard work and
 your patient endurance… But
 I have this complaint against you.
You don’t love Me or each other
as you did at first! Look how far
 you have fallen from your first love!
 Turn back to Me again (Rev 2:2-5)
To him who overcomes I will give…
a white stone and on the stone
a new name written (Rev 2:17).
As many as I love, I rebuke & chasten.
Therefore be zealous and repent.
Behold I stand at the door & knock.
If anyone hears My voice and opens
the door I’ll come in to him(R3:19-20)

Lord, we confess been doing a lot
for You; but have somewhat ease
the simple devotion of loving You.
Grateful You are ever calling me
back to intimacy with You; with
Your arms open wide to receive me.
Help me to once again abandon
 myself to You, to experience Your
unfailing love for me, and to live in
 pure devotion to Your heart. Amen.

Lord, You do give people new names
including Simon/Peter & Saul/Paul.
For those who felt defined by their
past baggage, this is good news.
For the name You give will not be
based on something we can earn.
It will be rooted in Christ’s identity
and reflect who we were created to
be: children of God with inheritance
in the kingdom for eternity. Amen.

Lord, we will Draw Near to You;
 For You are always near and
 always desirous of our attention.
 Forgive me for the times I ignore
 or push You to the edges of my life;
for You deserve the central place.
Whenever I hear You calling and
knocking, help me to open myself
to You so that we can enjoy intimacy
together. Draw me Close to U. Amen

Hearing God In Rev 1 (Dec 30)

Made Priests In His Kingdom

John writes to the seven churches
in Asia Minor to address their
scriptural need. Each message
begins with the expression:
I know thy works; each contains a
promise: to him that overcometh;
each concludes with the warning:
He that hath ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.
In short, John sends words of
reproof and reassurance from
Jesus Christ, the Alpha & Omega.

Lord, help us be Your Priests:
To Him who loves us and
has freed us from our sins
by His blood, and has made us
to be a kingdom and priests
to serve His… Father (Rev 1:5-6).
I was In The Spirit on the Lord’s Day
and I Heard… a loud voice… saying:
I am the Alpha & the Omega (v10).
When I saw Him, I fell at His feet.
But He laid His right hand on me,
saying: Do not be afraid; I am the
First and the Last. I am He who lives
and was dead and behold I am alive
forevermore…And I have the keys of
Hades & Death (Rev 1:17-18) Amen.

Lord, thank You for not only
freeing us from sin, but also
making us Your new creation
as well as Your beloved children.
Thank You for also granting us
the high privilege of serving You
forever as priests. Grant me the
grace to live worthy of You and
the heart to intercede for others.
And help me speak Your Will and
live it out in every situation. Amen.

Lord, John was In the Spirit, in some
deep devotional or worship frame
of mind when he heard You speak.
Holy Spirit, I offer myself to You,
to be In You, on any day, and to
hear whatever You want to say.
For the word says You will draw
near to those who come near to U.
Draw me into the closeness of
relationship that causes U to want
to share Your heart with me. Amen.

Lord, we praise You as the First and
the Last; and as the one who was
once dead but now alive and sitting
at the right hand of God the Father.
You’re the One who gives us victory
over death that we desperately need.
And You even possess the keys
to lock death away forever in hell.
I look forward to the day when death
is no longer a threat and when life
rules forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Meditating Luke 10-12 (Dec 29)

The Call to Kingdom Outreach

70 disciples are sent out two by two
with instructions to heal the sick
and say the kingdom of God is here.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise of God.
But clouds of confrontation are
already gathering. Some attribute
His miracles to Satan while the
Pharisees attack His disregard
for tradition. Jesus responds by
denouncing religious leaders for
their hypocrisy, and by warning
the disciples to be watchful.

Father God, thank You for giving
Your Son to be our Lord & Saviour.
Thank You for Luke 10-12 whereby
Jesus send workers for outreach
for the Kingdom of God is here.
Lord, we will Share the Good News.
Lord, we will Be Ready for Yr Return.
Lord, we will Pray with Perseverance.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Share the Good News:
The Lord appointed seventy others
also, and sent them two by two…
Then Jesus said: The harvest
is so great but the workers are
so few. Pray to the Lord who
is in charge of the harvest, and
ask Him to send out more workers
for His fields. Go now (Lk 10:1-3).
Lord, raise up and send out
labourers to every tribe and nation.
Raise up missionaries, teachers,
doctors and business people to
share the goodness of Jesus Christ
and bring in a harvest of souls.
Help us see the harvest before our
eyes. Pour out Your Spirit to enable
Yr people as the harvest waits. Amen

Lord, we’ll Pray with Perseverence:
Which of you shall have a friend,
and go to him at midnight and say:
Friend lend me 3 loaves… Because
of the man’s persistence he will get
up & give him as much as he needs.
So I say to you, ask and it will be
given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, and
he who seeks finds and to him who
knocks it will be opened (Lk11:5-10)
Lord, Your parable implies the key to
experiencing U is to ask persistently
and press thro the negative voices.
So, I will keep asking and persist
despite lack of apparent results.
Help me have great faith that prayer
works and know You in a deeper way.
Even as we lift up our needs to You,
transform our hearts and let Your
desire becomes ours as well. Amen.

Lord, we’ll be Ready for Yr Return:
Be dressed for service and
well-prepared, as though you
were waiting for your master to
return from the wedding feast…
There will be Special Favour for
those who Are Ready and waiting
for His Return (Luke 12:35-38).
Lord, thank you for Your promise
of Special Favour for those who are
prepared for Your return. I desire
to please You in everything And
I purpose to be ready for Yr return.
The success of living ready is very
much dependent on our giving
ourselves in prayer. So help me 
to begin each day in prayer. Amen.