Knowing God in 1 Samuel 7

God Is Our Mighty Helper (Feb 15)

When faith in God wavers, faith
in man-made objects increases.
The people of Israel carry the
ark of the covenant into battle,
confident that its presence will
ensure victory over the Philistines.
Instead they suffer a shattering
defeat in which 30,000 lives were
lost the ark of covenant captured. Upon hearing the news prophet
Eli falls back and breaks his neck.
It remains for Samuel to assume
the reins of leadership and guide
the people back to repentance.

Lord, You Are Our Mighty Helper:
(Samuel) pleaded with the Lord
to help Israel & the Lord answered.
Just as Samuel was sacrificing
the burnt offering, the Philistines
arrived for battle. But the Lord
spoke with a mighty voice of
thunder from heaven, and the
Philistines were thrown into
such confusion that the Israelites
defeated them (1 Sam 7:9-10).
Then Samuel took a stone and
set it up between Mizpah & Shen,
and called its name Ebenezer,
saying: Thus far the Lord has
helped us. So the Philistines
were subdued, and they did not
come anymore into the territory
of Israel. And the hand of the Lord
was against the Philistines all
the days of Samuel (v12-13).

Lord, You tell us to pray and give
us Your Word to guide our prayers.
And when Your people pray, You
show up. That’s why at the site
of the Israelite victory, Samuel in
thanksgiving erected a monument
with the name Ebenezer, meaning
the stone of help. It reminds us
to ask God for the help we need
each day and also not to forget to
thank You for the answers. Amen.

Lord, I praise You because You
are a God who hears and answers.
Just as You answered and moved
on behalf of Israel as they battled
their enemies, You move and work
these days on behalf of Your people.
Thank You for calling all of Your
people – young and old, to pray
and seek Your help in these days.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, Thou fount of every blessing,
tune my heart to sing Thy grace.
Streams of mercy never ceasing,
call for songs of loudest praise.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wondering from the fold of God.
He, to rescue me from danger,
interposed His precious blood…
Lord, I raise my Ebenezer;
hither by Thy help I come.
Let Thy goodness like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander Lord I feel it;
prone to leave the God I love.
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Judges 6

The Lord Is Peace Jehovah Shalom

Gideon, Israel’s fifth judge, receives
God’s call while hiding in a winepress.
Midian’s oppression is indeed severe
and Gideon is God’s man to lead
the people in throwing off that
yoke of bondage – an assignment
Gideon is not keen to accept!
But once convinced of his calling
thru two miraculous signs, Gideon
leads a humble army of 300 men,
equipped only with pitches, touches
and trumpets, in a stunning victory
against the mighty Midianite forces!
Israel’s unconventional weapons and
unusual battle plan leave no room
for doubt: The victory is the Lord’s!

Praise be to Jehovah Shalom:
Then the angel of the Lord touched
the meat and bread with the staff
in his hand, and fire flamed up from
the rock and consumed all he had
brought . When Gideon realized that
it was the angel of the Lord, he cried
out: Sovereign Lord, I have seen
the angel of the Lord face to face!
Then the Lord said to him:
Peace be with you; do not fear;
you shall not die. So, Gideon
built an altar there to the Lord
and named it The Lord Is Peace
Jehovah Shalom (Jdgs 6:21-24)

Lord Jehovah Shalom, in You
is fullness of peace and You
bring us peace in Your name.
For You still the storm within us
when we call on Your name. And
You bring peace to our heart & soul
when we abide in Your presence.
Thank You for making Your peace
available to us. And Thank You for
You Are My Peace and hope. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Shalom, peace escapes
many of us; and it also escapes
me more often than it should.
I realize that with faith comes
peace; with trust comes peace;
and with rest comes peace.
Forgive me for lacking in all three
and give me the grace of Your peace
so that I can truly live abundant life.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jehovah Shalom, I speak
shalom into my body and health.
I speak shalom into my mind,
my thoughts and my heart.
Let there be shalom in my plans,
in my future and in my relationships.
Lord, reveal to me the choices
I need to make to enter into an
even greater level of Your Peace.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Meditating on John 9-12

Worship the Son of God (Feb 14)

Christ’s claim draw the attention
of more than the hungry and sick.
The religious leaders concerned
about maintaining the status quo,
respond with angry resistance.
But how do you refute a Man who
preaches that He is the Light of
the World, then proves it by giving
sight to the blind? … who claims
He is the resurrection and the life,
then validates that claim by raising
a man from the dead. The choice
is clear: Either believe Him or seek
to silence Him once and for all.

Dear Lord, we learn from Jn 9-12
that the message that You Jesus
are the Son of God received mixed
reaction. Some worshiped You,
some shrank back while some
moved to silence You. Although
times have changed, people’s
hearts remain generally hard.
Grant Lord that our response to
Your Word be appropriate and
that is to obey and worship You.
Help us to Hear and Follow You;
help us to Pray In Faith; and
help us to Live for Your Glory. Amen

Lord, help us Hear & Follow You:
A Shepherd enters thru the gate…
and the sheep hear his voice and
come to him. He calls his own
sheep by name and leads them out.
After he has gathered His own
flock, he walks ahead of them,
and they Follow him because they
recognise his voice (John 10:2-4)
Lord Jesus, thank You for being
the good shepherd and making
me one of Your sheep. What
a privilege to belong to You!
Thank You for providing for me,
guiding me and protecting me.
You call me by name & speak to me.
With all the voices around, quieten
my heart, so that I will recognise
Your voice & follow only You. Amen

Lord, Help us to Pray In Faith:
Jesus said to Martha: If you would
believe you would see the glory
of God. Then Jesus looked up
and said: Father, I thank You that
U have heard me. I knew that You always hear me, but I said this for
the benefit of the people standing
here, that they may believe
that You sent me (Jn 11:41-42).
Father God, I thank You that I am
Your child and I can trust that
You always hear my prayers.
Help me to maintain ongoing
communication with You, just
like Jesus did, so that I may have
an abiding walk with You and You
will be glorified in my life. Amen.

Lord, help us Live for Your Glory:
Jesus said: All those who want to
be my disciples must come and
follow me, because my servants
must be where I am. And if they
follow me, the Father will honour
them. Now my soul is deeply
troubled. Should I pray: Father,
save me from what lies ahead?
But that is the very reason why
I came! Father, bring glory to
Your name (John 12:26-28).
Lord, may Your name be glorified
in every situation we go through.
Keep our mind and heart focused
on Jesus’ example and committed
to what You want to accomplish
in our lives. Holy Spirit, give us
the grace to live wholeheartedly
for the glory of God’s name. Amen.

Meditating on John 6-8 (Feb 13)

Claims by the Son of God

Early in His ministry, Christ issues
a challenge: Search the Scriptures,
for in them…they testify of Me (5:39)
Now His public declarations and
miraculous demonstrations serve
to confirm what the OT said would
be true of Him. Using the Jewish
feast days as public forums, Jesus
declares Himself to be the Bread
of Life (6:35), the Sent One of God
(7:28), the Forgiver of Sins (8:11)
and the Light of the World (8:12).

Dear Lord Jesus, we learnt from
Jn 6-8 Your claims as the bread
of life, the water of life & the light
of the world, pointing to Your deity.
Grateful that You are not only our
Saviour but also meet our needs.
Help us constantly Come to You
for You are the Bread of Life;
for You are the Source of Joy; and
for You are the Light of Life.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You are the Bread of Life:
They said to Him: Lord give us
this bread always. Jesus replied:
I am the Bread of Life. No one
who comes to me will ever be
hungry again. Those who believe
in Me will never thirst (Jn 6:34-35)
Lord Jesus, You are Bread of Life.
You alone can truly satisfy the
hunger of the soul. Forgive me for
seeking after things that will not
satisfy or fulfil deep longings.
Forgive me Lord for focusing on
what You can do for me materially
instead of seeking the rich and
true life that comes from You.
Cause me to hunger and thirst
for You Lord and Your life. Amen.

Lord, You are the Source of Joy:
On the last day, the climax of the
festival, Jesus stood and shouted
to the crowds: If you are thirsty,
come and drink! For the Scriptures
declare the rivers of living
water will flow out from within.
When He said living water
He was speaking of the Spirit,
who would be given to everyone
believing in Him (John 7:37-39).
Lord, we receive not only Your
great salvation but also promise
of Your Spirit poured upon us.
Jesus, You are indeed our spiritual
thirst quencher, offering not just
a one-off drink but a never-ending
spring which is able to meet our
deepest needs & greatest longings
Even as we believe in You, we
will never thirst again. And even
as Your life flow through us, let
it fill us with deepest joy. Amen.

Lord, You are the Light of Life:
Jesus said: Woman where are
those accusers of yours? Has
no one condemned you? She said:
No one Lord. And Jesus said:
Neither do I condemn you;
Go and sin no more. Then Jesus
spoke to the people again saying:
I am the Light of the world.
He who follows Me shall not
walk in darkness, but have
the light of life (John 8:10-12).
Lord, Thank You for sending
Your light in Jesus to us, for
lighting up our own dark places
& every difficult situation we face.
Grant that we will be bearers
of Your light and so bring hope
and encouragement to someone
who needs You each day. Amen.

Reflection on Judges & Ruth

Knowing God thru His Names

The purpose of Judges is to show
that God’s judgment against sin is
certain and His forgiveness of sin
and restoration to relationship are
just as certain for those who repent.
And that of Ruth is to show how
3 people remained true to God even
when the society was collapsing.
This week we understand God
better thru His revelation of Himself
of various names, mostly related to
His ability to meet needs of people.
On Monday, we learn from
Jdgs 6 that the Lord Is With You.
On Tuesday, we learn from
Judges 6 that the Lord Is Peace.
On Wed we learn from Judges 11
that the Lord is the Judge.
On Thursday, we learn from
Ruth 1-2 that He is the Faithful God.
On Friday, we learn from Ruth 4
that He is the Kinsman Redeemer.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Ruth 4

Kinsman Redeemer (Feb 12)

Set in the context of unrest during
time of Judges & faced with famine,
Ruth a young widow, travels with
her mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of
Boaz, who grows to love her and
becomes her kinsman-redeemer.
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Jesus.
With twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
shows God’s love to mankind.

Lord, You are Our Redeemer:
The kinsman-redeemer said: Then
I cannot because I might endanger
my own estate. Buy it yourself…
Then Boaz announced to the elders…
Today you are witnesses… I bought
from Naomi and the property of
Elimelech… and Mahlon. I have also
acquired Ruth, Mahlon’s widow,
as my wife, in order to maintain
the name of the dead (Ruth 4:1-12).
Boaz married Ruth. When he slept
with her, the Lord enabled her to
become pregnant and she gave
birth to a son. The women of the
town said to Naomi: Praise the Lord
who has given u a family redeemer!
May this child care for you in your
old age. They named him Obed.
He became the father of Jesse and
the grandfather of David (Ru 4:13-17)

Lord, You showed Your kindness to
Naomi, Ruth and Boaz by bringing
them together for Your purpose.
Just as Boaz showed his kindness
by buying back land to guarantee
Ruth and Naomi’s inheritance, so
Christ showed His kindness by dying
for us to guarantee our eternal life.
Grant that Your kindness motivate
us to love and honours You. Amen.

Lord Our Redeemer, we learn the
story is never over until it’s over.
For what looks hopeless can turn
around when You God is at work.
For God who loves us with His
redeeming love & in control will work
out His good purpose in our life.
So we trust in You in times of pain
and whenever facing challenges.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, in Ruth we see You At Work
behind the scene orchestrating
events and working thru willing
people towards Your perfect plan.
Although we may not know exactly
the future,but we can Trust God
who does and You care for us.
And we know all things will work
together for good according to
Your purpose. In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Ruth 1-2

The Faithful God (Feb 11)

Set in the context of unrest during
time of Judges & faced with famine,
Ruth a young widow, leaves her
native land to travel with her
mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of
Boaz, who grows to love her and
becomes her kinsman-redeemer.
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Jesus.
With twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
shows God’s love to mankind.

Lord, we see Your Faithfulness:
When she heard the Lord helping
his pple by providing food, Naomi
& her daughters-in-law set out to
Judah. Then Naomi said: Go back
to your mother’s home… But Ruth
clung to her: Don’t urge me to
leave you…Where you go I will go.
Your people will be my people &
your God my God (Ruth 1:6-16).
Boaz said to Ruth: Do not glean
in another field but stay close by…
She said Why have I found favour
in your eyes? Boaz answered;
it has been fully reported to me
all that you have done for your
mother-in-law since the death
of your husband. The Lord repay
your work and a full reward be
given you by the Lord God of
Israel, under whose wings you
have come for refuge(Ru 2:8-12)

Lord, we see in the love story
that Ruth’s life was guided by
faithfulness toward God and
showed itself in loyalty towards
the people she knew. And through
the story we can also perceive
Your faithfulness to Your people.
Help us to be loyal and loving by
imitating Your faithfulness in our
relationships with others. Amen.

Lord, during difficult times,
like in the current Covid season,
it is easy to be inward looking and
not to be faithful to one another.
We are inspired by the loyalty
of Ruth whose affirming words
greatly encouraged Naomi.
Lord, we need your empowering
of courage so that we can be so faithful to one another. Amen.

Lord, we see Your loving care and
protection over the lives of Naomi
and Ruth. For Your supreme control
over circumstances brings security.
For You guide the minds and action
of people to fulfill Your purpose;
like impressing Boaz of Ruth’s
loyalty that he gave her favour.
Grant us the faith that no matter
how tough our situation may be,
our hope is You God for Your power
and resources are infinite. Amen.

Knowing God In Judges 11

The Lord, The Judge (Feb 10)

Gideon’s son Abimelech has such
strong aspirations for his father’s
position that he attempts to murder
all his brothers. His rash actions
are a prelude to three stormy years
in power – a reign cut short by a
divinely guided millstone. By contrast
Jephthah, the illegitimate son of
a harlot, zealously leads Israel
in the ways of God – though his
zeal also gets him into trouble.

Hallowed be Jehovah Hashopet:
Jephthah sent messengers
to the king of Ammon saying:
What do you have against me
that you have come to fight?
I have not wronged you but you
are doing me wrong by waging
war against me. Let the Lord,
the Judge (Jehovah Hashopet),
decide the disputes this day
between the Israelites and the
Ammonites (Judges 11:12, 27).

Lord Jehovah Hashopet, praise You
for being a righteous God, offended
by evil and devoted to justice.
Praise You for Your heart of justice,
which is also faithful to Your truth.
Sometimes people rise up against
me when I’ve not wronged them.
Grant me self-control in speech and
thank You Lord for defending me
when I’m unjustly opposed. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Hashipey, I confess
that when I am wronged, I don’t
always turn to You for Your justice.
Help me know the confidence I can
feel in Your execution of judgment.
You are able to render justice on my
behalf far better than I ever could.
Please forgive me when I forget
to call on You for Your judgments.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jehovah Hashopet, when an
enemy has wrongly risen against me,
I ask You to bring the truth to light.
Soften the person’s heart and
show them the error of their ways.
Whatever they bring against me,
I pray You will turn it back to them
so that it may lead them to repent.
I ask for peace with the person and
pray You bring about peace swiftly.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Knowing God In Judges 6 (Feb 9)

The Lord Is Peace Jehovah Shalom

Gideon, Israel’s fifth judge, receives
God’s call while hiding in a winepress.
Midian’s oppression is indeed severe
and Gideon is God’s man to lead
the people in throwing off that
yoke of bondage – an assignment
Gideon is not keen to accept!
But once convinced of his calling
thru two miraculous signs, Gideon
leads a humble army of 300 men,
equipped only with pitches, touches
and trumpets, in a stunning victory
against the mighty Midianite forces!
Israel’s unconventional weapons and
unusual battle plan leave no room
for doubt: The victory is the Lord’s!

Praise be to Jehovah Shalom:
Then the angel of the Lord touched
the meat and bread with the staff
in his hand, and fire flamed up from
the rock and consumed all he had
brought . When Gideon realized that
it was the angel of the Lord, he cried
out: Sovereign Lord, I have seen
the angel of the Lord face to face!
Then the Lord said to him:
Peace be with you; do not fear;
you shall not die. So, Gideon
built an altar there to the Lord
and named it The Lord Is Peace
Jehovah Shalom (Jdgs 6:21-24)

Lord Jehovah Shalom, in You
is fullness of peace and You
bring us peace in Your name.
For You still the storm within us
when we call on Your name. And
You bring peace to our heart & soul
when we abide in Your presence.
Thank You for making Your peace
available to us. And Thank You for
You Are My Peace and hope. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Shalom, peace escapes
many of us; and it also escapes
me more often than it should.
I realize that with faith comes
peace; with trust comes peace;
and with rest comes peace.
Forgive me for lacking in all three
and give me the grace of Your peace
so that I can truly live abundant life.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jehovah Shalom, I speak
shalom into my body and health.
I speak shalom into my mind,
my thoughts and my heart.
Let there be shalom in my plans,
in my future and in my relationships.
Lord, reveal to me the choices
I need to make to enter into an
even greater level of Your Peace.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Knowing God In Judges 6

The Lord Is With You (Feb 8)

Gideon, Israel’s fifth judge, receives
God’s call while hiding in a winepress
secretly threshing wheat. Midian’s
oppression is indeed severe, and
Gideon is God’s man to lead the
people in throwing off that yoke
of bondage – an assignment Gideon
is not keen to accept! But once
convinced of his calling through
two miraculous signs, Gideon leads
a humble army of 300 men, equipped
only with pitches, touches and
trumpets, in a stunning victory
against the mighty Midianite forces!
Israel’s unconventional weapons and
unusual battle plan leave no room
for doubt: The victory is the Lord’s!

All Praise be to Jehovah Immeka:
The angel of the Lord appeared
to Gideon & said: The Lord Is
With You (Jehovah Immeka),
mighty warrior. Sir, Gideon
replied: if the Lord is with us,
why has all this happened to us?
And where are all the miracles
our ancestors told us about?
The Lord has abandoned us and
handed us over to the Midianites.
Then the Lord said: Go with the
strength you have and rescue
Israel from the Midianites.
I am sending you (Jdgs 6:12-14)

Lord Jehovah Immeka, we see that
Your very presence alone is enough
to defeat an army. When the angel
told Gideon You Lord were with him
that truth bring Gideon to a new
level of courage. Praise You Lord
for Your presence which empowers
us to overcome obstacles & secure
victory in our life. And thank You for
the kindness of Your presence. Amen

Lord Jehovah Immeka, I am
not alone for You are with me.
At challenging times I can feel
alone, but Your Word tells me that
You never leave me or abandon me.
There are days when I act as if
I am alone and worry over things
in my life. On these days, I seek
Your forgiveness for doubting
Your presence & Your Word. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Immeka, remind me
of Your presence and the power
that comes from abiding with You.
Lord, Make a way where I had
no way to accomplish Your will.
You promise that if I ask anything
according to Your will, You will give it.
So I ask boldly that You accomplish
what You desire to do in and
through my life. In Jesus’ name.