Thought for the Week: Prov 16:

The Lord Directs Our Plans

Backgrounder on Proverbs 14-17:
Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace with others,
commit to godliness in motives
and thots, tongue & temper as
well as plans, paths and pursuits.

Lord, You will Direct our Plans:
People may be pure in their
own eyes, but the Lord examines
their motives. Commit to the Lord
whatever you do, and He will
establish your plans (Prov 16:2-3).
When the ways of people please
the Lord, He makes even their
enemies live at peace with them…
We can make our plans, but the
Lord determines our steps (v7-9).
He who heeds the word wisely
will find good, and whoever
trusts in the Lord, happy is he…
We may throw the dice but the Lord
determines how they fall (v20,33).

Lord, You want us to submit our
plans to You for approval before
we act; for in this way, we show our
love for You and submission to You.
Forgive us that sometimes we make
plans without consulting You God
for we simply want our own way.
Grateful You are so keen in my life
that I can talk to You when I want.
Thank You Lord for helping me to
set plans and establish them. Amen.

Loving Lord, we thank You God
that You are always carefully
managing the details of our lives.
Your purpose always prevails,
 even        though we’re prone to forget
that & may make our own plans.
But then the Lord Determines
and directs the steps of the godly
towards a good outcome. Amen.

Lord, we tend to like to throw the
dice, taking control of things and
looking to You as our last resource.
And we may go to You because
we really have nowhere else to go.
But in Your mercy, cause us to learn
that storms of life have driven us,
not upon the rock, but to goodness.
Help us Lord to Heed Your Word
and Trust wholly in You so that we’ll
be glad with good outcome. Amen.

Reflection on Proverbs

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Godly living in an ungodly world
is no simple task. But the book
of Proverbs (the Bible’s primer of
practical wisdom) teaches skilful application of truth to everyday life.
Contained in this unique collection
of poetry, parable and wise maxims
are instructions regarding how
to relate to parents and children,
God and government, sin and self.
And Solomon gives readers a divine handle on living to please God.

On Monday, we learn from Prov 3 to
Thank God for Rewards of Wisdom.
On Tuesday, we learn from Prov 8
that God Rewards those who Seek.
On Wed, we learn from Prov 15
that God Hears and Gives Word.
On Thursday we learn from Prov 16
that the Lord Directs Our Plans.
On Friday, we learn from Prov 23
that God Gives Hope for the Future.
On Saturday, we learn from Prov 30
that God Is both Wise and Brilliant.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Reward Seekers & Followers;
for You are worthy of our Praise
as You are both Wise & Brilliant;
for You Give Word, Direct Our Plans
as well as Cast Hope for the Future;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Proverb 30

God Is Wise & Brilliant (Jun 15)

It’s rare to hear anyone admit
to ignorance but Agur does that.
Yet with his questions about nature,
he leads the reader to understand
something of God’s brilliance
in contrast to the limits of human
understanding. The capstone of
the book of Proverbs is provided
by Lemuel, which praises the virtues
of a godly mother (P30) & wife (P31)

Lord, we will Put our Trust in You:
I am too ignorant to be human,
and I lack common sense. I have
not mastered human wisdom
nor do I know the Holy One.
Who holds the wind in his fists?
Who wraps up the oceans?
Who has created the whole world?
Tell me if u know! Every word of God
is pure; He is a shield to those who
put their trust in Him (Prov 30:2-5)
Lord, we will Be Contented:
O God, I beg two favours from You…
First, help me never to tell a lie.
Second, give me neither poverty
nor riches! Give me just enough
to satisfy my needs. For if I grow
rich, I may deny You and say:
“Who is the Lord?” And if I am
too poor, I may steal & thus insult
God’s holy name(Prov 30:7-9)
If you have been foolish in exalting
yourself, or if you have devised evil,
put your hand on your mouth (v32).

Lord, thank You for Proverbs 30
that contains wise words on
Gratitude to God for protection
and providing all that we need.
You’re the key to Wisdom for there’s
limit to human understanding.
Help us to Apply Your Truth;
help us to Put Trust In You;
help us to Be Contented; and
grant us Wisdom & Courage. Amen.

Lord, who holds the wind and the
oceans? It is You Almighty God!
You still the wind with Your voice.
You orchestrate the changing
of the seasons. And it is You who
created me and give me purpose
in life. Look into my heart & make
me a willing instrument in Yr hand
trusting You. For it is not about
our abilities, it’s all about You God
who does great things. Amen.

Lord, thank You that You care for
us and that You are Jehovah Jireh,
the one who provides all our needs.
Help us to Be Contented with what
You give us so that we do not fall
into temptation & dishonour U God.
For our materialistic culture creates
dissatisfaction with what we have.
Help us Lord to depend on You
rather than in constant pursuit of
saving and spending more. Amen.

Adoring God In Proverbs 23

God Gives Hope for the Future

The final 11 chapters of Proverbs
contains sound counsel for those
in positions of authority. And Prov
22-24 contain wise counsel for
anyone in position of responsibility
including parents and pastors.
Leaders need to know God’s
precepts if they are to direct
their charges into God-honouring
paths of conduct and character.

Lord, You promise Hope for Future:
Do not let your heart envy sinners
but always be zealous for the fear
of the Lord. There is surely a Future
Hope for you, and your hope will
not be cut off (Proverbs 23:17-18).
Hear my son and Be Wise;
and guide your heart in the Way…
Listen to your father who begot you
& don’t despise yr mother (v19-22).
Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and
understanding… Let your father
and your mother be glad (v23-25).

Lord, grant me Your revelation
and flood my heart with Your light
that I need. Help me to see not
just my present trouble but the
future You have planned for me.
Your Word assures me that
those who Hope in the Lord
will have a wonderful future.
Grant me Lord the faith to cling to
Your promise; and in Your mercy
let it come to fruition. Amen.

Lord, grateful that You’ve planned
a future and a hope for my life.
Because of Your power and Your
faithfulness, I know that nothing
in my life is outside Your control.
Let my hope be firmly grounded
in Your unchanging character.
Draw me to seek You earnestly;
and lead me to submit to Your
Way and will for my future. Amen.

Lord, grant me wisdom to live by
Your truth so that I will have a life
of peace, blessing and happiness.
I pray to have the wisdom that
protects and saves me from evil
as well as guides and enables
me to make the right decisions.
Along with that, help me to live
with understanding and discipline
which bring glory to You. Amen.

Adoring God In Prov 16 (Jun 13)

The Lord Directs Our Plans

Backgrounder on Proverbs 14-17:
Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace with others,
commit to godliness in motives
and thots, tongue & temper as
well as plans, paths and pursuits.

Lord, You will Direct our Plans:
People may be pure in their
own eyes, but the Lord examines
their motives. Commit to the Lord
whatever you do, and He will
establish your plans (Prov 16:2-3).
When the ways of people please
the Lord, He makes even their
enemies live at peace with them…
We can make our plans, but the
Lord determines our steps (v7-9).
He who heeds the word wisely
will find good, and whoever
trusts in the Lord, happy is he…
We may throw the dice but the Lord
determines how they fall (v20,33).

Lord, You want us to submit our
plans to You for approval before
we act; for in this way, we show our
love for You and submission to You.
Forgive us that sometimes we make
plans without consulting You God
for we simply want our own way.
Grateful You are so keen in my life
that I can talk to You when I want.
Thank You Lord for helping me to
set plans and establish them. Amen.

Loving Lord, we thank You God
that You are always carefully
managing the details of our lives.
Your purpose always prevails,
even though we’re prone to forget
that & may make our own plans.
But then the Lord Determines
and directs the steps of the godly
towards a good outcome. Amen.

Lord, we tend to like to throw the
dice, taking control of things and
looking to You as our last resource.
And we may go to You because
we really have nowhere else to go.
But in Your mercy, cause us to learn
that storms of life have driven us,
not upon the rock, but to goodness.
Help us Lord to Heed Your Word
and Trust wholly in You so that we’ll
be glad with good outcome. Amen.

Adoring God In Proverbs 15God Hears & Gives Word (Jun 12)

Backgrounder to Proverbs 14-17:
Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace, prosperity and
justice in interpersonal relationships,
commit to godliness, in thoughts &
motives as well as temper & tongue.

Lord, we will Humble Before You:
The Lord detest the sacrifice of
the wicked, but the prayer of the
upright Pleases Him (Prov 15:8).
Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with advisors they Succeed.
A man finds joy in giving
an apt reply – and how good
is a Timely Word ! (v22-23).
The Lord is far from the wicked but
He Hears prayer of the Righteous…
The ear that Hears the rebutes
of life will abide among the wise…
The fear of the Lord is the
instruction of wisdom; and
before honor is humility (v29-33).

Father, I am grateful that You see
me as righteous just because of
my relationship with Lord Jesus.
But I know You also want me to
choose to live righteously as well.
Grant that my thoughts, words
and actions will always be pleasing
in Your sight so that my prayers
will be pleasing to Your ears.
And enable me every day to do
what’s right in Your sight. Amen.

Lord, give me discernment to
know what advice is godly advice;
then help me make good decision.
Lord, You are the master of
timely words and circumstances;
Help me recognise Yr voice in them.
As I grow older, help me to be
a godly advisor who can offer
wise & godly counsel to others.

Lord, help us adopt the posture
of a child who is humble, open
to rebuke and open to instruction.
For You promise that those who
are humble will be the greatest
in Your kingdom. Help us to be
gentle & lowly in heart as You are
And we pray that our humble faith
and service will accomplish great
things for Your kingdom. Amen.

Adoring God In Proverbs 8

God Rewards those who Seek Him 

The first 9 chapters of Proverbs
take the form of a fatherly address
for learning the fear of the Lord.
Beginning with Chap 5, Solomon
turns from a general appeal
to more specific application of
wisdom in everyday situations.
Pitfalls abound, ready to entangle
and destroy the unwary: immorality,
indebtedness, laziness, falsehood
and pride. Indulging in these sins
is a sure invitation to disaster.
Rather respond to call of wisdom,
which among its many benefits
is the favor of the Lord (Prov 8:35).

Lord, we’ll Seek & Wait on You:
The fear of the Lord is to hate
evil; pride and arrogance…
and the perverse mouth I hate…
I love all who love Me.
Those who Search for Me
will surely find Me (Prov 8:13-17).
(Wisdom said) I have riches and
honour as well as enduring wealth.
My gifts are better than gold,
even the purest gold, my wages
better than sterling silver (v18-19).
Blessed is the man who listens
to Me, watching daily at my doors,
Waiting at my doorway. For whoever
finds me finds life, and obtains
favour from the Lord (v34-35).

Lord, Your Word in Proverbs says
those who Search will find You.
And Your Word in Hebrews 11:6
says You are a rewarder of
those who diligently seek You.
I purpose to seek You Lord;
to fear You and shun evil ways.
And I know Your gifts come
not as separate blessings
but wrapped up in Yourself.
Reward my search Lord beyond
my greatest expectations. Amen.

Lord, Your word speaks of the
power and rewards of wisdom;
including honour & enduring wealth.
With wisdom, we can solve
problems effectively, conduct affairs
better and attain success in life.
With wisdom, God blesses with joy,
hope in faith and love from others.
Grateful that we can readily
receive wisdom from Your Word.
Help us Lord to gain wisdom even
as we search Your word. Amen.

Lord, I purpose to Wait upon
You and listen to Your voice.
Speak to my heart about the
things I need to hear from You &
Teach me Lord all I need to know.
Thank You for the great blessings
that await those who wait at Your
door and listen for Your voice.
Whilst waiting upon You, may my
faith be raised and the character
of Christ be formed in me. Amen.

Adoring God In Proverb 3 (Jun 10)

Thank God for Rewards of Wisdom

The author of Proverbs clearly
states the purpose of the book:
To know wisdom and instructions
(Prov 1:2-5). God wants His people
to be wise and skilful in making
moral and ethical choices. And
the first nine chapters of Proverbs
take the form of a fatherly address
to a young son – a divine primer
for learning the fear of the Lord.

Lord, You Direct as we Trust You:
Do not forget My law, but let
your heart keep My commands;
For length of days and long life and
peace they will add to you (Pr3:1-2)
TRUST in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall
Direct Your Paths (Prov 3:5-6).
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord & depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
and Strength to your bones (v7-8)

Dear Heavenly Father, Help me
to learn from Your law & teachings.
Help me Lord to not forget them,
but instead to meditate them
regularly in my mind and keep
Your commands in my heart always.
Trust that even as I seek to do
Your will, You will provide my needs.
And Lord, I claim Your promise
of the blessing of long life as well
as shalom peace in my life. Amen.

Lord, help me to Trust You and
Your ways with all my heart.
Guard me from depending on my
limited understanding of things.
Help me instead to rely on You
& lead me to acknowledge You
Lord in every area of my life.
Thanks for promising to direct
my paths as I depend on You and
seek Your will in all that I do. Amen.

Lord, Your word warns when I feel
afraid or discouraged, it indicates
there’s places in my life where I’m
depending on my own strength.
Right now I purpose to trust You
more and choose to lean on You.
I purpose not to be wise in my own
eyes; but instead to Fear the Lord.
And I choose to lean my weakness
on Your Strength each day. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Psalm 136

God Loves Us Enduringly

Sometimes it’s easy to praise God
by recalling the past (Ps 135-136).
At other times memories of the past
produce more pain than praise (137).
But even times of trouble can be
cause for Praise to God (Ps 138).
This is so as you meditate about
the unceasing presence of Your
omnipotent God (Psalm 139).

Lord, we’ll Revere In Your Love:
Oh give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good! Oh give thanks
to the God of gods! For His mercy
endures forever (Ps 136:1-2).
To Him who alone does grt wonders.
For His mercies endures forever…
To Him who laid out the earth
above the waters, For His
mercy endures forever (v4-6).
Who remembered us in our lowly
state,for His mercy endures forever.
And rescued us from our enemies,
for His mercy endures forever;
Who gives food to all flesh,
for His mercy endures forever.
O give thanks to the God of heaven!
For His mercy endures (v23-26).

Lord, we’re grateful for Yr Goodness
as well as faithful love towards us.
Were it not for Your faithful love,
we will have no hope. We see in
Psalm 136 Your love in the rescue
of redemption, the rest of provision,
and the warm of being remembered.
Your faithful love endures forever.
Let us Lord never lose sight of Your
great enduring love for us. Amen.

Lord, nothing can stop You from
loving me; for Your love can work
Wonders thru situation these days;
just as Your faithful love carried
Your people Israel in days of old.
Lord, I can trust Your love today,
tomorrow and for the rest of my life
Thank You that Your love endures
forever. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, You remember us in our lowly
state, and are waiting to show love
and compassion to Your people.
You are the loving and faithful God;
why should I look elsewhere for help.
Strengthen my faith in You even as
I wait for Your deliverance in my life.
Lord, I will Revere In Your Love;
I will Abide In Your Presence and
I will Hold to Your Promises. Amen.

Reflection on Psalms 128-150

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Psalms Book Five (107 to 150)
mainly written by David is similar
to the book of Deuteronomy.
Just as Deuteronomy touches on
God & His Word, these psalms are
anthems of praise and thanksgiving
for God and His Word. Most of
the psalms were originally set
to music and used in worship.
We can use these psalms today
as were used in the past, as a
hymnbook of praise and worship.
This is a book that ought to make
our hearts adore & sing to the Lord.

On Monday, we learn from Ps 136
that God Loves His Pple Enduringly.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 138
that God Promises With His Name.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 139 that
God Knows & Cares for His pple.
On Thursday we learn from Ps 140
that God Delivers His People.
On Friday, we learn from Ps 145
that God Is Merciful & Will Save.
On Saturday, we learn from Ps 146
that God Is the Promise Keeper.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Will Deliver Your people
being Merciful & Saviour at heart;
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are the Promise Keeper and
in fact You Promise with Your Name;
For You Love Your People Enduringly
and that You Know and Care for us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.