Preview on Second Kings (Mar 21)

Dear Friends, 
As the Bible is arranged by genre, to
enhance understanding of context
we’re covering it by time sequence.
We begin with the 5 books of Laws
to appreciate the Redemptive Plan
of God for mankind and Job (which
occurs in the time of Genesis) to
understand the sovereignty of God.
In the Second Phase, we meditated
Josh to 2Sam & 1 Chron, up to King
David: the high point of Israel history.
and poetry book of Psalms where
we learn to pray and praise God.
Then we go to the Third Phase on 
the reign of King Solomon in 1 Kings
& cover wisdom poetry in Proverbs,
Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes.

Continuing, Solomon’s zeal for God
cools as pagan wives turn his heart
away from godly worship. The next
century sees the decline of the two
nations,indifferent to God’s precepts.
In 2 Kings, the author weaves the
historical threads of two nations
into one fabric. In Israel, 19 wicked
kings in succession led the people
even further from God. Despite the
efforts of Elisha & other prophets,
judgment can no longer be stayed.
Israel finally went into captivity,
being dispersed by the Assyrians.
To the south, Judah survives 150
years longer. But in the end, the
damage done by corrupt leadership
again brings a bitter harvest:
70 years of exile in Babylonia.

We’ll cover 2 Kings over 3 weekends
under the following six divisions:
2Kgs 1-3: Ministry of Elisha
2Kgs 4-8: Ministry of Elisha
2Kgs 9-12: Jehu and Joash
2Kgs 13-17: Assyria Destroys Israel
2Kgs 18-21: Hezekiah the Reformer
2Kgs22-25:Babylon Conquers Judah
Lord, we learn from 2 Kings of the
disastrous end of those who shut
God out of their lives. We believe
in You and help us to live for You
in our lives & in Your church. Amen.

Praising God In Phil 4 (Apr 2)

What A Friend We Have in Jesus

Joseph Scriven was a man who had
experienced friendship of Jesus
thro a life filled with personal tragedy.
When Scriven was a young man
in Ireland, his fiancée drowned
the evening before their wedding.
Soon after he set sail for Canada.
He seemed destined to live alone
with Jesus as his only close friend.
Scriven never intended to publish
this hymn. He wrote the words to
accompany a letter to his mother,
who was ill in Ireland. He had no
material resources to send her –
only a reminder the most perfect of
friends, Jesus himself was nearby.

Lord, we pour our burdens to You:
Don’t worry about anything,
instead pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and
thank Him for all he has done.
Then you will experience God’s
peace, which exceeds anything
we can understand. His peace
will guard your heart and mind as
you live in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:6-7).

Lord, Enable me lift up in praise
& worship of whatever facing me.
Help me Lord not to be anxious
or worry about anything but
instead to pray and intercede.
Help me to refuse to think of
negative and what-if thoughts.
Help me to bring every concern
before you & leave it at your feet.
Fill me with Your peace that passes
all understanding so that my heart
and mind will be protected. Amen.

Lord, here is my need & worry;
and I give them to You and ask
that You calm my anxious heart
and quiet my racing thoughts.
Center them on Christ Jesus
and on His power & sufficiency,
Because I belong to You Lord,
I know that Your peace will
guard my heart and my mind.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer. Amen.

Preview on Poetry Bk of Job (Feb 9)

Preview on Poetry Bk of Job

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
To enable you better appreciate
the Bible especially the flow of OT,
exposition will be chronological.
Continuing from book of Genesis,
instead of going to Exodus, we
will meditate next on book of Job
who lives during time of Abraham.

The book of Job addresses the
issue of man’s suffering, one of
life’s most perplexing questions.
Overnight the patriarch finds his
blessings turned into heartaches
as he loses his health, wealth and
family in a series of tragedies.
Seeking to know why, Job soon
finds the wisdom of his four human
counsellors inadequate. Finally,
Job questions God Himself and
learns valuable lessons on the
sovereignty of God and the need
for complete trust in the Lord.
Continue reading “Preview on Poetry Bk of Job (Feb 9)”

Thanksgiving in Exo 14 & 15 (Jan 4)

Thank God for Giving Strength

Trapped between the Red Sea
and the rapidly approaching
chariots of Egypt, the people
cry out in desperation; and God
answers in a miraculous fashion.
The Red Sea parts, the nation
crosses over on dry ground,
and shouts of panic turn to hymn
of praise as the Egyptian army
disappears in a watery grave.

Lord, bless and give us Strength:
Then Moses stretched out his hand
over the sea; and the Lord caused
the sea to go back by a strong
east wind all that night and made
the sea into dry land & the waters
were divided… Thus Israel saw
the great work which the Lord had
done in Egypt; so the pple feared
the Lord and believed the Lord and
His servant Moses (Ex 14:21-31).
Then Moses and the children of
Israel sang this song to the Lord
and spoke saying: The Lord is
my strength and He has become
my salvation; He is my God, and
I will praise Him (Ex 15:1-2) Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Exo 14 & 15 (Jan 4)”

Gospel Truth in Luke 12 (Nov 28)

Christ Teaches Being Ready

Seventy disciples are sent out to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan rather than God. Others
clamour for more miraculous signs.
And Jesus denounces the religious
leaders for their hypocrisy and
warns the disciples to Be Watchful.

Lord, we’ll be Ready for Yr Return:
Jesus said to His disciples: Don’t
Worry about your life… Who of
you by worrying can add a single
hour to his life? (Luke 12:22-25).
Be dressed for service and
well-prepared, as though you
were waiting for your master to
return from the wedding feast…
There will be Special Favour for
those who Are Ready and waiting
for His Return (v35-38). Amen.
Continue reading “Gospel Truth in Luke 12 (Nov 28)”

Imploring God thro His Promises:

Significance Reinstated (Apr 30)

Dear Friends,
We have completed six months
of devotion on God’s Promises,
following three earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Knowing God’s thro His Names
and Praising God thro Hymns.
Before continuing into the NT,
let’s pause to note the significance
of Imploring God on His Promises.

There are so much to pray about:
our dreams, hopes and plans.
But often we are held up by our
own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in His Word.
Then we no longer wonder if this
is something God cares about,for
He brought it up in the 1st place.
Continue reading “Imploring God thro His Promises:”

Praying thro John (April 28)

Comfort from the Son of God
(Prayer Walk thro John 13-17)

Backgrounder: The Upper Room
Discourse contains Jesus’
final words of instruction and encouragement to His disciples
before His death. Only John
records these intimate moments
between Jesus and His men as
He models true humility (chap 13),
describes the coming Holy Spirit
who will comfort and empower
them (chap 14-16) and intercedes
for the unity and protection of
His disciples worldwide (chap 17).

Dear Lord Jesus, in this world,
we can face many challenges.
But we thank you for Your final words of encouragement and
instructions at the Upper Room
which reveals yr heartbeat for us.
Lord, we receive your Gift of Peace
and Gift of the Spirit to help us.
We purpose to Remain in You; and
we pray for Unity among us. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro John (April 28)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (April 27)

God Saves & Rejoices Over You

Backgrounder on Zephaniah 1-3:
Writing at one of the lowest points
in the spiritual life of Judah,
Zephaniah’ primary concern is
the impending Day of the Lord.
That day signifies the final judgment of God on earth and the
ensuing time of blessing & peace.
Zephaniah knows when Judgment
is over God will once again look
with favour on His people: Restore
their fortunes, Rejoice over them
and dwell among them (Z3:14-18).

Lord, You are Mighty to Save:
In that day… do not fear; Zion,
let Not your hands be weak.
The Lord your God is With you,
He is Mighty To Save.
He will Take Great Delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will Rejoice over you with
singing (Zep 3:17-18). Amen,
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (April 27)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (April 26)

God Is Your Strength

Backgrounder on Habakkuk 1-3:
Habakkuk prophecies in Judah
before its final overthrow by
Babylonia. Honestly concerned
with how God could chasten Judah
by means of a nation even more
sinful than itself, Habakkuk deals
with some perplexing questions:
Why is a just God silent? Why do
the pleas of the faithful seem to
go unheard? The reply comes
in the statement of a timeless
principle of God’s sovereignty:
God will deal with the wicked
in His way and in His time.
Meanwhile righteous people
must continue to trust God (H2:4)

Lord, You are Our Strength:
How Long O Lord must I call
for help but You do not listen?
Or cry out to You… but
You do not save? (Hab 1:2).
I am filled with awe by the amazing
things You have done. In this time
of our need, begin again to help us,
as You did in years gone by. Show
us Your power to save us (Hab 3:2)
Even though the olive crop fails
and the fields lie empty & barren;
even though the flocks die in the
fields & the cattle barns are empty,
yet I Will Rejoice in the Lord!
I will be joyful in the God of
my salvation (Hab 3:17-18).
The Sovereign Lord is My Strength;
He makes my feet like the feet
of a deer, He enables me to tread
in the heights (Hab 3:19). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (April 26)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (April 25)

God Brings You Out of Darkness

Backgrounder on Micah 6-7:
Micah describes God’s people
on trial as the charges are leveled
against Israel: halfhearted worship,
persistent rebellion, hypocrisy, greed, idolatry. The verdict
can only be guilty as charged.
The sentence: a generation of
exile in Babylon. Yet the message
of Micah is not complete until
he preaches the richness of
God’s forgiveness and grace.
He retains not his anger forever because he delights in mercy(7:18)

Lord will Bring Us Out of Darkness:
Do not gloat over me, my enemy!
Though I have fallen, I will rise.
Though I sit in darkness, the Lord
Will Be My Light. Because I have
sinned against him, I will bear
the Lord’s wrath, until He pleads
my case and upholds my cause.
He will bring me out Into the Light;
I’ll see His righteousness (Mic7:8-9)
Where is another God like You…
You will not stay angry with
your people forever, because you
delight in showing unfailing love.
Once again U will have compassion
on us. U will trample our sins under
your feet and Throw Them into the
depths of the Ocean (v18-19) Amen
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (April 25)”