Meditating on Acts 19-20 (Mar 20)

Lessons from Paul’s Third Journey

A short time after Paul returns
from his second journey,
it is time to leave on the third!
At Ephesus Paul’s gospel message
produces some of the greatest
response and sharpest opposition
– of any of the places he visits.
Leaving the city in an uproar,
Paul later returns to deliver
a tearful farewell at Miletus.
From this point on, He is determined
to visit Jerusalem knowing full well
the reception awaits him there.

Lord, we Seek to Do Your Will:
(Paul declared): Now I am bound
by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem.
I don’t know what awaits me,
except that the Holy Spirit tells
me in city after city that jail and
suffering lie ahead (Acts 20:22-23).
My life is worth nothing to me
unless I use it for finishing the
work assigned me by the Lord
Jesus – the work of telling others
the Good News about the
wonderful grace of God (v24).
I have shown you that in every
way… that you must support
the weak. And remember the
words of the Lord Jesus, that
He said: It is more blessed
to give than to receive (v35).

Spirit of truth, counsel and of power,
I confess of being tired of dead
ends and of sinful attractions.
I purpose to stay bound to You and
to put You Lord first & foremost.
Lead me Lord straight into God’s
incomparably generous plan
for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, we noted that
Paul a previous Christian killer
says his life purpose was to share
the Good News of God’s grace.
Once we sinners have a personal
encounter with You Jesus, we will
want to share our joys with others.
Give me Lord what You are
requiring of me; and shore me
up with more of You, so that
feeling of inadequacy will not
overtake me. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Jesus, we purpose to be
more like Paul who showed by
his hard work to help the weak.
Help me Lord to have regard
for those who are struggling.
And I ask that You will provide
for and care for them. Amen.