Knowing God In Psalm 68

Father (March 18)

David and Solomon shows us
just how praiseworthy is the great
God of Israel. God is worthy of
praise for His judgment (Ps 67),
His compassion and provision (68),
His attentiveness to the cry of
His children (69-70), His strength
on behalf of the weak (71) and
sovereign over the nations (72).

All Praise be to AB:
Sing to God, sing praises
to His name: extol Him…
A father (Ab) of the fatherless
and a defender of widows,
is God in His holy habitation.
God sets the solitary in families;
He brings out those who
are bound into prosperity…
You O God sent a plentiful rain,
when it was weary. You O God
provided from Your goodness
for the poor (Psa 68:4-6, 9-10).

Ab, You’re the defender of those
in need. You bring comfort and
guidance to those who seek
Your face. Thank You Father
for not leaving me as an orphan.
Thank You for Your goodness.
Thank You that when I’m afraid
and call Your name Ab Father,
You hear and will hold my cares
in Your hands. In Jesus’ name.

Ab, how often have I neglected
to receive the comfort and care
You have for me as my Father
because I forget that You are there.
And sometimes that makes me
feel as if You are also distant.
Yet the name Ab tells me
that You are not distant at all.
In fact, You are as close to me
as a father is to his child. Amen.

Father God, I want to know
You more; and I want to
experience Your presence more.
I want to live each day in
the peace that comes from
trusting in You as my Father.
I want to seek Your wisdom
in decisions. And when I am
empty, fill me with Your abiding
fatherly care. In Jesus’ name, Amen.