Knowing God In Psalm 51

God of My Salvation (March 11)

Backgrounder: Sin and confession are
prominent themes in Psalms 50-54.
David provides a model of confession
after his sin with Bethsheba (Ps 51)
and goes on to describe the
treacherous nature of the tongue
(Ps 52) and the folly of pursuing
evil (Ps 53). Only with God as
your constant source of help
(Ps 54) can you counter the daily
pitfalls and temptations of life.

Praise be to God of My Salvation:
Create in me a clean heart
O God, and renew a steadfast
spirit within me. Do not cast me
away from Your presence, and do
not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of
Your salvation and uphold me
by Your generous Spirit.
Deliver me from guilt, O God,
the God of my salvation
(Elohe Tishuathi); then my
tongue will joyfully sing of Your
righteousness (Psalm 51:10-14).

Lord Tishuathi, thank u for your
greatest gift, which is salvation
from judgment to eternal life.
Your righteousness had been
imputed to us through the death
and resurrection of your Son & His
sacrifice for our sins on the cross.
You have done so much for us so
our hearts overflow with gratitude
and humility before You. Amen.

Lord Elohe Tishuathi, I confess that
my heart is sometimes hardened.
I confess a lack of love toward
those who don’t show me kindness.
I confess turning away from those
in need even though You’ve blessed
me so that I might be a blessing.
Self-centeredness is alive in me
and I ask for forgiveness for my sins.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we do not take lightly the
sacrifice U made for our salvation.
Help me understand how great
this salvation truly is so that I live
each day in continual gratitude,
motivated to serve You more.
Help others to come to know You
and open their minds and hearts
to receive You as Lord & Saviour.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.