Meditating on Nehemiah 1-2

Be Partners In Rebuilding (Jan 2)

A rebuilt temple stands in Jerusalem,
but only crumbled walls surround
the Holy City; meaning there
are still much work to be done.
For the task of rebuilding the city
walls, God raises up Nehemiah
to lead the third & last expedition
of Jewish returnees from Persia.
In spite of stiff opposition to the
reconstruction efforts, Nehemiah
and his band of bricklayers
complete the job in only 52 days.

Although the Jews completed the
temple in 516 BC, the city walls
remained in shambles for next 70 yrs.
These walls represented protection
and beauty to the city of Jerusalem.
They were also desperately needed
to protect the temple from attack
and ensure continuity of worship.
God put the desire to rebuild
the walls in Nehemiah’s heart,
giving him a vision for the work.
As we recognise deep needs in
our world, God can give us vision
and desire to build. With that vision,
we can mobilize others to pray
and put together an action plan.
Lord, we’re Stirred by Your Spirit,
Lord, we Open our Heart to You,
Lord, we Count Cost & Rally People.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we’re Stirred by Your Spirit:
When I heard these words, I wept
for many days; I was fasting and
praying. And I said: O Lord, God
of heaven, the great and awesome
God who keeps his covenant of
unfailing love with those who love
Him and obey His commands,
listen to my prayer! Look down and
see me praying night and day for
Your people Israel. I confess that we
have sinned against You (Neh 1:4-7)
Lord, I purpose that my heart be
gripped by the things that grip
Your heart for Your purposes.
Make me sensitive to the stirring
of Your Spirit and the sound of
Your voice. And when I have sought
Your will and direction, make me
willingly, eagerly and even joyfully
participate in Your plan. Amen.

Lord, we Open our Heart to You:
The king asked: How can I help you?
With A Prayer to God of heaven,
(Nehemiah) replied: If it please
Your majesty… send me to Judah
to Rebuild the city (Neh 2:4-5).
Lord, we note Nehemiah covered
the whole process of Rebuilding
Jerusalem In Prayer; praying for
his people for four months; and
breathing a brief prayer to You God
before saying the request to king.
Hear our prayers just as You did
Nehemiah’s in building defences.
As we surrender the church to You
Lord, manifest Your restoring power.
As You God prove Yourself mighty,
may You receive much glory. Amen.

Lord, we Count Cost & Rally People:
So I came to Jerusalem and was
there three days…. I told no one
what my God Had Put In My Heart
to do… And I went out by night… and
Viewed the walls which were broken..
Then I said to (the leaders): Come Let
Us Build the wall of Jerusalem… And
I Told Them of the hand of God and
also of the king’s words. So they said:
Let’s rise up and build(Neh 2:11-18)
Lord, help me sort out the burdens
in my heart whether they all Yours;
and Lead me to fulfil the purposes
You Have Placed within my heart.
Help us get accurate information,
assess the situation, do careful
planning and then Share the mission.
Help us Lord to confront challenges
with Trust in God and constructive
action for Your name sake. Amen.