Meditating on Ezekiel 40-48

Time for Revival of Worship(Oct18)

Prophet Ezekiel is given a preview
of the new temple, built upon the
site of the old one destroyed 14
years earlier. Ezekiel sees the glory
of the Lord returning to the new
Holy of Holies… Finally, Ezekiel
describes the boundaries of the
renewed nation, with divisions for
tribes, priests and the people of
Jerusalem. As a reminder of all
that has taken place, the new city
will be named “The Lord is there.”

The book of Ezekiel begins by
describing the holiness of God that
Israel had despised and ignored.
As a result, God’s presence departed
from the temple, city and the people.
The book ends with a detailed vision
of the new temple, the new city and
the new people – all demonstrating
God’s holiness. The pressures of life
may persuade us to focus on the
here and now and thus forget God.
That is why worship is so important;
for it takes our eyes off the current
worries, gives us a glimpse of God’s
holiness and allows us to look
toward His future kingdom. God’s
presence make everything glorious
& worship brings us into His presence
Lord, we seek Your Presence.
Lord, we seek Life-Giving Stream.
Lord, we seek to Worship You. Amen

Lord, we seek Your Presence:
The man took me back to the east
gate of the temple, where I saw
the… glory of Israel’s God coming
from the east… I immediately bowed
with my face to the ground and the
Lord’s glory came… into the temple…
Ezekiel, son of man, this temple is
my throne on earth. I will live here
among the people of Israel for ever.
They and their kings will never again
disgrace me by worshipping idols
at local shrines (Ezekiel 43:1-2, 7).
Lord, thank You for the picture
of God returning to dwell among
His people; and Your promises
of an eternal presence with them.
Later revelation of Immanuel through
the incarnation in Jesus and by
the gift of the Holy Spirit, we see
a much deeper fulfilment of that
promise that God dwells in us.
Help us Lord that knowing God
dwelling among us spur us to live in
a way that reflects His glory. Amen.

Lord, we seek Life-Giving Stream:
Then he led me back along the river
-bank. Suddenly to my surprise,
many trees were now growing on
both sides of the river! Then he said:
This river flows east thro the desert
into Jordan Valley, where it enters the
Dead Sea. The waters of this stream
will heal the salty waters of the Dead
Sea and make them fresh and pure.
Everything that touches the water
of this river will live. Fish will abound
in the Dead Sea, for its waters will
be healed. Wherever this water
flows, everything will live(Ez 47:6-9)
Lord, the depth of our need calls
to the depth of Your grace; for Your
grace is deeper than our need.
Draw us Lord to You and let rivers
of living waters flow from the heart.
Grant us to drink deeply each day
of the river of the water of life. And
Grant us to overflow in blessing
to the thirsty world around. Amen.

Lord,we seek to Worship & Outreach
The city of Jerusalem will have 12
gates, three on each of the four
sides of the city wall. These gates
will be named after the 12 tribes
of Israel… On the north side will
be gate of Reuben, Judah & Levi…
The distance around the entire city
will be six miles. And from that
day the name of the city will be:
“The Lord is There.”(Ezek48:30-35)
Lord, we are glad that You long for
a place to live among Your people.
We realise the vision also points
to a new heaven and a new earth
which gives hope in difficult times.
We realise the gates named after the
12 tribes symbolising all the people
of God, reaching out to the world.
Carry us in Your river and help us
bring healing to others in Your name.
And may the grace of Lord Jesus,
the love of God and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen