Meditating on Ezekiel 37-39

Revived to New Season (Oct 17)

In a vision retold with such vivid
details that you can almost see
the bones moving and can hear
them rattling, Ezekiel announces
Israel’s future rebirth. Reassembled
from afar and revived with God’s
own breath of life, the sun-bleached
bones become a new Israel, more
glorious & powerful than ever before.
Then in a second vision,Ezekiel sees
the revived nation utterly destroy
its last foe – the mysterious Magog
-after which God is acknowledged
by all nations as the mighty
conqueror and undisputed Victor !!

When the people stray far from God,
they suffer defeat; but when they
cling to God and rely on Him alone,
they are invincible. So we see
the golden principle in operation:
Closeness to God produces strength
and victory while distance from God
produces weaknesses and defeat.
Lord, we seek Your Revival of Life;
Lord, we seek Your Defence; and
Lord, we seek Your Restoration.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we seek Your Revival of Life:
Again He said to me: Prophesy
to these bones and say to them:
O dry bones, hear the word of the
Lord. This is what the Sovereign
Lord says to these bones: I will
make breath enter you, and you
will come to life…Then u will know
that I am the Lord (Ezek 37:4-6).
Lord, there are areas of my life
that seems dead, that need new
infusion of Your life. There are
dreams I have had that seems
as if they have died because
it’s been a long time and still
they have not been realised.
I know if you can make dry bones
into a vast army, U can bring life to
anything worth praying about, no
matter how dead it seems. Amen.

Lord, we seek Your Defence:
This is what will happen in that day:
When Gog attacks the land of Israel,
my hot anger will be aroused,
declares the Sovereign Lord…
I will summon a sword against Gog…
I will execute judgment upon
him with plague and bloodshed;
I will pour down torrents of rain,
hailstones and burning sulphur on
his troops & many nations with him…
I will show my greatness & holiness,
and I will make myself known in the
sight of many nations. Then they will
know that I’m the Lord (Ez 38:18-23)
Lord, we live in a spiritual battlefield.
Behind human conflict lies a greater
battle: the spiritual struggle between
good and evil, God and the devil.
Gog is leading a massive alliance
alliance of nations to attack Israel.
God’s people live in quiet harmony,
apparently undefended. But in
fact God himself is their defence.
Lord, I put myself confidently into
Your hands. Pray that that all people
will know Your love in Christ. Amen.

Lord, we seek Your Restoration:
This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
I will now bring Jacob back from
captivity and will have compassion
in all the people of Israel, and I will
be zealous for My holy name… I will
show myself holy through them in
the sight of many nations. Then they
will know that I am the Lord their
God… I will no longer hide My face
from them for I will pour out My Spirit
on the house of Israel, declares
the Sovereign Lord (Ezek39:25-29)
Lord, Thank You for the prophecy
that following the destruction of evil,
we can look forward to new season
with Your people filled with God’s
Spirit. We realise that this is a call to
repent of our spiritual carelessness
and a call to reach out to all people.
Help us to live in humble reverence
to holy God and may we reflect Your
grace & holiness to others. Amen.