Meditating on Jeremiah 30-33

God Restores His People (Aug 30)

Few passages of Scripture present
such a complete picture of God.
Here you can find the God who
hates sin and judges it (30:12-15);
yet loves and forgives the sinner
(v18-22). You see the God of wrath (v23-24) & the God of love (31:1-9).
Above all you find portrayed the saving God who regathers His scattered flock (v10-22) and establishes with them a new covenant (v23-34); a promise
that rests on the guarantee of His
sovereign power (v35-37; 33:19-22)

God pledges to reestablish
the nation after it has been
purified by the discipline of exile.
As a sign, He orders Jeremiah to
buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
As surely as day follows night,
that land will one day become part
of the restored nation to be ruled
by David’s messianic descendant.
Lord, we appreciate Your loving
kindness and restoring Your people;
Thankful for Your Unfailing Love;
Praise You for Your Mighty Power &
Grateful for Your Accessibility. Amen

Lord, we thank Your Unfailing Love:
I have loved you My people, with
an everlasting love. With unfailing
love, I have drawn you to Myself…
I will put My instructions deep
within them, and I will write them
on their hearts. I’ll be their God, and
they will be My people (Jer 31:3,33)
Lord, Your Word reveals You
deeply desire us as Your people.
And so I can confidently come
to You because You want me to.
Forgive me for sometimes resisting
Your love and being blind to
Your faithful working in my life.
Father, lead me in Your ways,
and teach me Your commands.
I want Your love to be my anchor,
and I am willing to say yes to
whatever Your plan is. Amen.

Lord, You are Bigger Than Anything:
I’m the Lord, the God of all mankind
Is anything too hard for me?
Therefore thus says the Lord:
Behold I will give this city into
the hand of the Chaldeans, into
the hand of Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon, and he shall
take it (Jeremiah 32:27-28).
Lord, grateful that nothing in my life
is beyond Your reach and nothing is
too difficult for Your powerful hand.
Help me know You display Your
power best in impossible situations.
And Give me greater understanding
of who You are so that my trust
in You Lord will be complete. Amen.

Lord, You Give Us Direct Access:
This is what the Lord says:
The Lord who made the earth,
who formed it and established it,
whose name is the LORD:
Ask me & I will tell you remarkable
secrets you do not know about
things to come (Jer 33:2-3).
Lord, I want to hear from You; and
speak in a way I can understand.
I may make mistakes and mishear You sometimes, but I trust You to gently correct me and teach me.
I need to know Your voice & to be honest, I am not the best listener.
For I often go in so many directions
and do all the talking and don’t
wait to hear what You have to say.
Teach me to hear Your voice; and grant me faith to trust & obey. Amen