Meditating on Jeremiah 21-25

Last Chance to Return (Aug 23)

Time is running out for Judah
with a growing sense of doom.
Popular opinion on the prophet of
God stands at an all time low. But even that can’t deter Jeremiah from
declaring God’s displeasure with
their sins & conduct. Moving from
the nation in general to the nation’s leaders in particular,Jeremiah singles
out three kings for judgment before
turning his attention to the Messiah
who will Restore righteousness and
justice. The nation will lie desolate
for 70 years when the wrath of God
is poured out on His wayward flock.

Lord, You are holy and You do urge
Your people to turn from their sins and may discipline; but You are
also good and will Restore them.
Help us Lord to heed the warning
of Your prophet; and be reminded
that God’s love wants to break
loose upon us if we will let it.
Help us to Keep Truth & Faith;
Help us to Hear Your Voice; and
Help us to Return Wholeheartedly.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we will Keep Truth & Faith:
Thus says the Lord: Execute judgment and righteousness…
Do no wrong and do no violence
to the stranger, the fatherless,
or the widow, nor shed innocent
blood in this place. For if you indeed
do this thing, then shall enter the gates of this house, riding on horses
and chariots… kings who sit on
the throne of David. But if you will
not hear these words, I swear by
Myself says the Lord, that this house
shall become desolation (Jer 22:3-5)
Lord, note Jeremiah has to tell a king
how he ought to behave with justice.
Wanting to please others is part of
the human condition and it takes
steely personality to say unpalatable
things, especially to those in power.
Grant wisdom when called to speak
the truth & grace to keep faith.Amen

Lord, we will Hear Your Voice:
My heart is broken because of
the false prophets… For the land
is full of adultery… For they do evil
and abuse what power they have…
Do not listen to them (Jer 23:9-16).
He who has My word, let him
speak My word faithfully… Is not
My word like a fire? says the Lord,
and like a hammer that breaks
the rock in pieces (Jer 23:28-29).
Lord, help me to hear Your voice
speaking to my heart, though I
know the truth may hurt. Give me
discernment so that I can identify
what is from You and what is not.
Help me to examine what I hear
against the teaching of Your Word.
Holy Spirit, guide me in all truth
just as You have promised. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Return Wholeheartedly:
Thus says the Lord: I acknowledge
those who are carried away captive
from Judah, whom I have sent out
of this place for their own good,
into the land of the Chaldeans…And
I will bring them back to this land;
I will build them and not pull them down… Then I will give them a heart
to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people and I will be
their God, for they shall Return to Me
with their whole heart (Jer 24:5-7)
Lord, give me a heart of flesh
that recognises who You really
are, not just on the surface but
in deeply personal ways. Lord,
I want You to be fully satisfied with my love for You & for me to be fully
satisfied in Your love for me. Amen.