Experiencing God In Isaiah 55

Come & Seek the Lord (Aug 20)

Nowhere in the Old Testament
will you see a clearer picture of the horrible price of your redemption than in Isaiah 52-57. Many verses
especially from Isaiah 52 & 53
show the anquish our Savior,
as suffering servant, endured
in paying the awful price of sin.

Lord, Your Ways Be Accomplished:
Seek the Lord while He may be
found, Call on Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous… his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord (Isa 55:6-7)
My thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways My ways… For as
the heaven higher than the earth so
are My Ways Higher than your ways,
& My thots than your thots (v8-9).
My word that goes out from My mouth: it will not return to me empty
but Will Accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for
which I sent it (Isa 55:11). Amen.

Lord, Your Word simply tells me
to seek and to call, and that’s it.
But I have a hard time believing
the simplicity of it all. Captivate
me Lord each time I come seeking You with the sound of Your voice.
And in Your mercy, please reward
my seeking and calling quickly and
decisively enough to establish this posture as a pattern in my life. Amen

Lord, Your plan may seems crazy,
for You sometimes use foolish things
to accomplish Your purposes. For Your thoughts are not our thoughts,
neither are our ways Your ways. When things don’t make sense prompt us Holy Spirit to ask You for
wisdom to discern what You’re doing
For I will be a fool if I didn’t Take
You at Your Word & Trust U. Amen.

Lord, grateful that Your Word of
promise will always accomplish
the purpose for which You sent it. Enable me to secure the power in Your Word by planting firmly in my
heart that it guides everything I do.
And help me use Your Word in
my prayers so that it becomes
a powerful weapon against
which the enemy cannot prevail.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.