Experiencing God In Deut 4

Entering His Presence In Prayer

God has led his people out of
Egypt and across the great desert.
Now they stand ready to enter
the promised land. But before the
Israelites go into the land, Moses
has impt advice to them which he
delivers in 3 parts. In the 1st part,
Moses reviews the history of
Israel with the crucial lesson: that
obedience brings blessing while
disobedience results in judgment.

Lord, we’ll Pray to Draw Close to U:
Observe the laws carefully, for this
will show yr wisdom to the nations,
who will say: “Surely this great
nation is a wise and understanding
people.” What other nation is so
great as to have their god near
them the way the Lord is Near us
whenever we Pray to Him (D4:6-7)
The Lord Spoke to you from the
heart of the fire. You Heard the
sound of His words but Didn’t See
His form; there was Only A Voice.
So He declared to you His covenant
which He commanded u to perform
the Ten Commandments (v12-13).

Lord, we thank You for being Close
to us when we pray; and thank You
that You hear and will answer us.
Grateful that in Your presence there
will be transformation for my life.
I Draw Close to You and ask for an
increasing sense of Your presence.
I ask that You will help me to pray
more each day and grant me faith
to believe for the answers. Amen.

Lord, in our relationship, there will
be a constant interplay between
the hidden and the revealed.
You don’t compel our faith;
and we always have to choose
to see what You are revealing.
So even as I hear Your voice but
don’t see Your form, enable me to
accept as much of what You reveal.
Help me accept Your revelation and
trust what I can’t see beyond it.Amen

Lord, You want Your people to 
place holiness as a way of life and
be obedient to You in every action.
Help us always to Hallow Your laws,
to Draw Close to You and to pray.
Help us to purpose in our heart
Not be Afraid but Trust You God
by remembering Your mighty acts. 
Help us Accept Your revelation and
Trust what see don’t see yet. Amen.