Praising God In James 4 (May 18)

I Am Thine O Lord

Cincinnati Ohio was the birthplace
of this favourite hymn. Fanny Crosby
(b1820), the prolific blind poetess,
was visiting her friend William
Doane in his home. The sun was
setting & their conversation turned
to the nearness of God. Crosby
was touched by their talk & wrote
the words of this hymn before
she retired that night. And Doane
added the music in the morning.

Lord, Draw Us Nearer to You:
God sets Himself against the
proud but He shows favour
to the humble. So humble
yourselves before God. Resist
the devil and he will flee from you.
Draw Close to God, and God will
Draw Close to you (James 4:6-8).

Lord, I want to see evidence of Your
work, Your voice and Your presence.
As I seek to observe You, do make
Yourself more observable to me.
Lord, I know that I can’t come to You
unless You draw me. But You also
don’t come to me unless I draw
near to You. However that mutual
attraction works, I want more of it.
Please come close Lord. Amen.

Lord Jesus thankful U my Saviour
desires me to be close to You.
Grateful for Your sacrificial love.
and I truly belong to You Lord.
Help me to be ready to do Your
will and to take up the cross daily.
But I acknowledge that I can’t
navigate this journey on my own.
Draw me nearer to U God so that I
can commune as friend with friend.
Draw me nearer nearer Lord. Amen.

I am Thine O Lord, I have heard
Thy voice And it told Thy love to me;
But I long to rise in the arms of faith
And be closer drawn to Thee…
Draw me nearer,
nearer blessed Lord,
To the cross where Thou hast died
Draw me nearer, nearer
nearer blessed Lord,
To Thy precious bleeding side…
O the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer
And with Thee my God,
I commune as friend with friend!