Meditating 2 Chron 10-12 (May 16)

Complacency Leads To Discipline

After Solomon’s death, the nation
turns from worship to waywardness
in its commitment to God. Solomon’s
Son Rehoboam imposes a foolish
tax increase, prompting a bitter
division of His kingdom. On the
verge of civil war with Jeroboam
(the newly established king of the
northern 10 tribes), Rehoboam
obeys the word of the prophet and
breaks off the conflict. But once
His kingdom is established, he
forsakes the law of the Lord yet
again. God sends a stinging rebuke
in the person of Shishsak, king of
Egypt, who defeats Rohoboam’s
army and plunders the wealth
of the Lord’s house.

Lord, we notice from 2Chron 10-12
Rehoboam’s up and down spiritual
life. When times were tough, he
turned to God and when things were
running smoothly, he forsook God.
Help us to Learn Not Be Complacent.
Help us to Seek Your Counsel.
Help us to Heed Your Warning.
Help us to Trust Your Word.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will seek Your Counsel:
Then King Rehoboam went to
discuss with the older men who
counselled His father Solomon:
What is your advise? He asked.
The older counsellors replied:
If you do good to the people
and show them kindness and
do your best to please them,
they will always be your loyal
subjects. But Rehoboam rejected
the advice of the elders and
instead asked the opinion of the
young men who had grown up
with him and who were now
his advisors (2 Chron 10:6-8).
Lord, help us learn fr the mistake
of King Rehoboam. We will ask
You God for wisdom to discern the
better option in decision making.
And also pay extra consideration
to the suggestion of those who
know the situation better. Amen.

Lord, we will Heed Your Warning:
Thus says the Lord: You shall not
go up or fight against your brethren!
Let every man return to his house…
Therefore they obeyed the words
of the Lord and turned back from
attacking Jeroboam. So Rehoboam
dwelt in Jerusalem and built cities
for defense in Judah (2Chr 11:4-5).
Those from all the tribes of Israel,
such as set their heart to seek
the Lord God of Israel, came to
Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord
God of their fathers. So they
strengthened the kingdom of Judah
and made Rehoboam the son of
Solomon strong for three years, for
they walked in the way of David and
Solomon for three years (v16-17).
Lord, we learn from episode that
Rehoboam would not proper if he
should go contrary to Your Warning.
Help us to submit to Your will even
concerning what had been lost;
for You know what’s best. Amen.

Lord, we will Rely on Your Word:
The prophet Shemiah then met with
Rehoboam and Judah’s leaders,
who had fled to Jerusalem because
of Shishak. Shemaiah told them:
This is what the Lord says: You have
abandoned me so I am abandoning
you to Shishak. The king and the
leaders of Israel humbled themselves
and said: The Lord is right in doing
this to us! When the Lord saw
their change of heart, He gave this
message to Shemaiah: Since the
people have humbled themselves,
I will not completely destroy them
and will soon give them some relief.
I will not use Shishak to pour out my
anger on Jerusalem (2Chr 12:5-7).
Lord, help me to keep my eyes on
You and on the truth of Your Word.
You are just and fair in all You do.
When I am suffering, keep me from
complaining and doubting. Instead
guide me Lord to rely fully on Your
upright character. In Jesus’ name.