Praising God In Rom 5 (May 11)

Grace Greater Than Our Sin

Grace is one of the hardest lesson
for us to learn about God. Some
show their ignorance of God’s grace
by working hard to be good enough.
Others display misunderstanding
of God’s grace by concluding it’s
inaccessible to them. It’s this second
group that Julia Johnston (1849-
1919) was writing for. She knew how
important it was to understand and
experience the simple, yet difficult
truth of God’s gracious forgiveness.
Though she penned texts for more
500 hymns, this is the only one
widely known. It powerfully teaches
this essential Christian truth:
You can’t out-sin God’s grace.

Lord, thanks for Gift of Grace:
Not only that but we also rejoice
in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have
received reconciliation (Rom 5:11)
God’s law was given so that all
people could see how sinful they
are. But as people sinned more
and more, God’s Wonderful Grace
became more abundant. So just
as sin ruled over all people and
brought them to death, now God’s
Wonderful Grace rules instead,
giving us right standing with God
and resulting in eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom 5:20-21)

Father, I rejoice in my relationship
with You all because of what Jesus
Christ has done for me. Having an
intimate relationship with Jesus,
the friend of sinners, allows me
to have an eternal perspective
about everything else that can
happen to me. I Praise You for
the joy such a friendship brings.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thanks that we first receive
reconciliation and forgiveness,
and then abundance of grace.
We cannot merit or earn either
one or the other; all we have to
do is to take what You God offers.
Lord, for souls redeemed,
for sins forgiven; for means
of grace, and hopes of heaven.
Lord what can we give to You
Who gives us all? Our heart! Amen.

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin & guilt!
Yonder on Calvary’s mount outpoured
There where blood of Lamb was spilt.
Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace
that will pardon & cleanse within,
Grace, grace, God grace, Grace
that is higher than all our sin!
Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace,
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face,
Will u this moment His grace receive?