Praising God In Matt 25 (May 4)

Cross-Crowded Ways of Life

Frank Mason North was born in
New York City and had served there
as a pastor. In 1903 he was officer
of both the New York City Mission &
the National City Evangelical Mission.
North realised that the city was a
great mission field. And He decided
to write about the city as he saw it,
about the “haunts of wretchedness”.
North’s stirring words were published
first by Methodist City Missionary
Society and later appeared in the
Methodist hymnal. Let’s listen to this
challenge to bring Christ’s loving
presence to the streets of our cities.

Lord, we’ll be Your hands & legs:
The the King will say to (them):
Come, you who are blessed by
My Father, inherit the Kingdom
prepared for you from the creation
of the world. For I was hungry and
You fed me. I was thirsty and you
gave me a drink. I was a stranger
and you invited me into your home.
I was sick and you cared for me.
I was in prison and you visited me…
And the King will answer and say
to them: Assuredly I say to you,
inasmuch as You did it to one of
the least of these My brethren,
You did it to Me (Matt 25:34-40).

Lord, I am open and willing to
join You in what You are doing to
rescue those who are perishing,
to feed those who are hungry
and thirsty with Your Bread of
Life and Living Water. Forgive me
when I don’t listen and instead
persist to pursue my own agenda.
Help me to hear and obey when
You call on me. Empower me to be
Your hands and Your feet. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I have heard Your Word
to give of oneself. Teach me to be
generous to give to a hurting world.
Teach me to serve U as You deserve;
to give & not overly count the cost;
to toil and not to seek for rest, and
to labour and not to ask for reward.
For Lord Jesus I appreciate what
You had done for me. For I know
You have told us to carry our cross.
For knowing I am doing Your will is
good enough. In Your name, Amen.

Where cross the crowded ways of life
Where sound the cries of race & clan
Above the noise of selfish strife,
We hear Thy voice, O Son of man!!!
In haunts of wretchedness and need
On shadow thresholds dark w fears,
Fr paths where hide lures of greed,
We catch the vision of Thy tears…
The cup of water given for Thee
Still holds the freshness of Thy grace
Yet long these multitudes to see
The sweet compassion of Thy face.