Hearing God In I John 2 (Dec 24)

The Call to Love One Another

Apostle John who enjoys delightful
fellowship with God, desires that
his spiritual children enjoy the same
fellowship & writes to tell them how.
God is Light and to be in fellowship
with Him means walking in
the light of His commandments.
God is love, and thus His children
must walk in love. And God is life,
and those who desire fellowship
with Him must possess spiritual
life, which begins with spiritual
birth through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, we will Love One Another:
Those who Obey God’s word
truly show how completely they
love Him. That is how we know we
are living in Him. Those who say
they live in God should live their
lives as Jesus did (1John 2:5-6).
This commandment – to Love one
another – is the same message
         you had before. Yet it is also new.    
This command is true in Christ
and      is true among you (1Jn 2:7-8).
Do not love this world nor the things
it offers you, for when you love
the world, you do not have the love
of the Father in you (1 John 2:15).

Lord Jesus, we confess not being
consistent in doing what You say.
Although You understand our falling
short, we don’t want to be negligent
in not trying to obey for that will
be hypocritical which You detest.
We don’t want to be a liar nor
not living in the truth. Help us to
saturate ourselves in Your Words
and help us purpose in our hearts
to carry them out as our gratitude &
demonstration of love to You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, time and time again
You call us to lay down our lives.
The love to which You call us
nearly always means setting aside
our interests even if momentarily.
It will mean lots of rearranging;
for rarely is it convenient or fit into
   our schedules where we’ve break.
Grant us the grace to lay down our
interest for someone in need. Amen

Lord, we need wisdom and help
in this battle against the world.
Help us recognise the world seeks
to shape and satisfy cravings that
only You God can truly satisfy.
This lifelong battle with worldliness
can’t be won by personal willpower.
Help us replace love for the world
with a love that won’t disappoint.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
