Hearing God In Heb 11 (Dec 5)

God Will Reward Faithfulness

Hebrews closes with an appeal for
a persevering Faith that relies on
the promises of God. Writing to
an audience whose actions were
being shaped by pressure from
the world, the author urges the
kind of Faith-inspired walk that
characterised so many OT saints.
Being so convinced of God’s
Faithfulness, they ordered their
lives according to His Word. Follow
their commendable example and
Walk By Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, we trust You Will Reward: 
 Faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). But
without faith it is impossible to
please Him, for he who comes to
God must Believe that He is, and
that He is a Rewarder of those
who diligently Seek Him (11:6).
By faith Moses chose rather to
suffer afflictions… than to enjoy
the passing pleasures… for he
looked to the Reward (v24-26).

Lord, we need confidence in what
we hope for and assurance about
what we do not see. For Satan will
cast doubt & fear. So I claim Eph6:16
that You give me the shield of faith.
Teach me to obey even when I can’t
sense the desire to do what’s right.
Give me new desire as well as
new power to live as I should.
Wean me from excuse that I am
too weak; for Your strength is
sufficient for whatever I face. Amen

Lord, give me faith to trust You even
when the way is dark & uncertain.
Empower and strengthen me
to believe that You are who You
say You are in the Scriptures.
And that You will respond and
Reward those who Seek You.
For I purpose to Live By Faith in
Christ Jesus who truly loved me
and gave His life for me. Amen.

Lord, You promise future glory
to those who suffer in the present
for their faithfulness. Give me Lord
the courage to stand for Your cause.
Protect me from wrong and shallow
ways of thinking. I don’t want to
suffer; but I also don’t want to miss
Your blessing or the chance to
bring You honour. Amen & amen.