Praying thro Psalm 25-30 (Oct 5)

Praying & Waiting Upon God

Backgrounder: The first book
(Psalm 1-41) is similar to Genesis.
Just as Genesis tells how man was
created, fell into sin and promised
redemption, many of the psalms
in book 1 (P1-41) discuss man as
blessed, fallen & redeemed by God.
And as David penned Psa 25-30,
he thought of the multi-faceted
character of the God he served.
The Lord is good & upright (25:8)
my light (27:1), my strength(28:7)
King forever (29:10) & God (30:2).

Dear Lord, we learn from King
David how he prays through his
problems knowing Your nature.
Help us Lord to Wait upon You,
but be merciful in Your timing.
Help us to Not Succumb to Fear;
but keep our eyes fixed on You.
For we know that when we Cry
out to You, U Hear and U Answer.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Lord, we will Wait upon You:
O my God, I trust in You;
let me not be ashamed…
Indeed, let no one who Waits
on You be ashamed (Ps 25:2-3).
Show me Your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths… For You
are the God of my salvation;
on You I Wait all the day (v4-5).
Deliver me; let me not be ashamed;
for I put my trust in You. Let my
integrity & uprightness preserve
me, for I Wait for You (v20-21).
Lord, I want to know Your will; I’m
willing to do Your will & I will wait
for Your truth to lead me in it.
No matter what storms of life
I may face, I will keep my eyes
on the brightness of Your Son.
But Lord be merciful in Your
timing for I’m but fresh & blood;
I am hurting and I need U. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Courageous:
Lord is my Light & my Salvation,
so why should I be afraid?
The Lord protects me from
danger, so why should I tremble?
Though a mighty army surrounds
me, my heart will know no fear…
Be brave and of good courage
… Yes, wait and hope for and
expect the Lord (Psa 27:1-3,14).
Lord, help me to see the truth in
your Word: that You are my light
and my salvation; You are my
protector from danger; and
You are the strength of my life.
Help me draw close to You and
rest in the confidence I have in U.
Help me to defeat fear as I trust
in you and wait upon you for the
fulfilment of your promise. Amen.

Lord, we will Expect Your Answer:
To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock;
Do not be silent to me… Hear…
my supplications when I cry to You,
when I lift up my hands toward
Your holy sanctuary (Ps 28:1-2).
O Lord my God, I cried out to You
for help & U restored my health.
You kept me from falling into
the pit…You have turned… my
mourning into dancing; You have
put off my sackcloth and cloth
me with gladness (Ps 30:2-5,11).
Father, thank U for being my Rock
and for hearing my prayers for help.
Even when my situation remains
the same, grant me grace to keep
trusting you for your gracious help.
For only You Lord can give hope
that does not disappoint. Amen.