Praying thro Psalm 7-12 (Sep 22)

Lamenting & Waiting Upon God

The first book of Psalms (Ps 1-41)
is similar to Genesis. Just as Genesis
tells how man was created, fell into
sin & promised redemption, many
of these psalms discuss man as
blessed, fallen & redeemed by God.
And all but one of today’s psalms
begin with a cry of lament: simply
“O Lord” or “O Lord my God”.
These short but potent phrases
express the psalmist’s desire that
justice prevail (Ps 7), the wicked
be brought low (Ps 9-10) and God’s
holy name be exalted (Ps 8, 11-12).

Dear Lord, You are Good and Able;
and You will settle things for Your
people in Your own perfect timing.
So, we will Trust & Wait upon You
for You are completely In Control.
We will Praise Wholeheartedly for
worshipping is our greatest armour.
We will Rest our eyes Upon You for
we really don’t know what to do.
In Jesus’ mighty name we pray,Amen

Lord, we’ll Trust & Wait Upon You,
for You are completely in Control:
O Lord my God, in You I put my
trust; Save me… and deliver me…
Help all those who obey You.
For You look deep within the
mind & heart, O righteous God.
God is my shield, saving those
whose hearts are true and right…
I will thank the Lord because
He is just; I will sing praise to the
Lord Most High (Ps 7:1, 9-10, 17).
Lord, I invite You into the inner-
most parts of my heart and mind.
Look deep within me, for after all
You know us through & through.
Help me to make daily decisions
to keep the door of my heart and
mind open to You. And help me
to embrace Your presence
in every area of my life. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Praise Wholeheartedly for
worshipping is our greatest armour:
I will praise you, O Lord with all
my heart. I will tell all your wonders.
I will be glad & rejoice in You; I will
sing praise to Your name, O Most
High…For He who avenges blood
remembers; he does not ignore
the cry of the afflicted. Have mercy
on me O Lord! (And) Consider
my trouble (Psa 9:1-2, 12-13).
Lord, grateful for not forgetting me
but that You always remember me.
And that You not ignore my cries
to You whenever I am in need. And
now I praise You in the midst of the
struggles, knowing that worshipping
You is my greatest weapon against
the enemy of my soul. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Rest our eyes Upon You;
for we really don’t know what to do:
Because of the oppression of the
weak & the groaning of the needy,
I will now arise, says the Lord.
I will protect them from those who
malign them. The words of the Lord
are pure words…You shall keep them,
You shall preserve them (Ps 12:5-7).
Lord, thank You for the times You
have protected me from disaster.
And thank You for countless ways
You have kept me from harm that I
am not even aware of. I pray You will
always protect me from anyone who
would try to destroy me. Thanks for
hearing my prayers for protection &
Your promise to keep me safe. Amen