Praying thro Psalm 1-6 (Sep 21)

Devoted to God In Word & Prayer

The first book (Psa 1-41), mainly
written by David, is similar to book
of Genesis. Just as Genesis tells
how mankind was created, fell
into sin and promised redemption,
many of these psalms discuss man
as blessed, fallen and redeemed
by God. The first six psalms form a
fitting introduction where we learn
the importance of meditating on
God’s Word (Ps 1), acknowledging
the Lord as King (Ps 2) and being
devoted to prayer (Ps 3-6).

Dear Lord, in appreciation of your
redemption, we purpose to be
Devoted to You in Word and Prayer.
Prompt us to continually think of U,
meditate on Yr words & Do Your will.
Give us the peace that You’ll answer
our prayer in Your way and timing.
Surround us with the shield of love
& grant us Yr favour & favor of men.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we yearn joy of Following U:
Blessed is the man who walks
not in the counsel of the ungodly…
But his delight is in the law of the
Lord, and in His law he meditates
day and night. He shall be like
a tree planted by the rivers of
water that brings forth its fruit
in its season… and whatever
he does shall prosper (Ps 1:1-3).
Lord, I want to make You happy,
to Be the kind of person You want
and to Do the work You assigned.
It’s Your counsel I want to follow
and Your side that I want to be on.
Help me to continually think of You,
meditate and respond to Your Words
so that I may experience Yr joy.Amen

Lord, You will Hear when we call:
Answer me when I call to You,
O my righteous God. Give me
relief from my distress; be
merciful to me & hear my prayer.
How long, will You turn my glory
into shame?… Know that the Lord
has set apart the godly for Himself;
the Lord will hear when I call (4:1-3)
Lord, thank You that I am a child
of Yours, set apart for Your glory.
When I pray, help me to have the
peace of knowing You have heard
my prayer and will answer in Your
way and in Your perfect timing.
Show me if there’s anything in
my life that will become a barrier
between me and You so that my
prayers will go unanswered. Amen.

Lord, grant us your Favour:
Listen to my cry for help my King
and my God, for I will never pray
to anyone but You… Because of
Your unfailing love, I can enter
Your house; with deepest awe…
Lead me in the right path, O Lord.
Tell me clearly what to do, and
show me which way to turn…
For You bless the godly, O Lord,
surrounding them with Your
shield of love (Psa 5:1-2, 7-8, 12).
Lord, thank you for being able to
enter your house to worship you.
Lead us down the right paths and
show us which way to turn. Thank
You for surrounding us with the
shield of Your love & favour. Amen.