Praying thro 1 Chr 17-21 (Sep 14)

Entrusting Our Dreams to God

David’s greatest dream is to build
a house for God. God makes it
clear through Nathan to David that
only in the lifetime of Solomon will
the dream actually come to fruition.
Though David is not permitted to
build a house for God, God will build
a house and a perpetual dynasty for
David. Through times of faithfulness
and faltering in David’s life, God
remains true to His promise
by preserving the line of David.

Dear Lord, thro David’s successes
and his failures, we learn the
importance of giving our whole
heart to You God and letting
You be the focus of our lives.
Lord, we entrust our dreams to You as You fulfil Your perfect plan for us in Your Way and in Your Time. We Praise You for all Your Blessings.
We Give You all the Due Credit.             We Repent when we fail You. Amen.

Lord, we Praise You for Blessings:
Then King David prayed: Who am I
that you have brought me this far?
In addition to everything else, You
speak of giving me a lasting dynasty!
… For my sake and according to
Your will, you have done all these
great things. O Lord, there is no
one like You. What other nation
O God have You redeemed from
slavery to be Your own people…
And now O Lord do as You promised
concerning me and my family. And
may Your name be established and
honoured forever (1Chr 17:16-24).
Lord, You have plans for me that
I can’t even fathom. Yet it is so
easy to forget that it’s really You
who have blessed me and fail to
recognise achievements from You.
I purpose to love and serve You;
to tell others about Your goodness
and lift Your name High. Amen.

Lord, we Give Due Credit to You:
Now when Tou king of Hamath heard
that David had defeated all the army
of Hadadezar king of Zobah,he sent
Hadoram his son to King David, to
… bless him… for Hadadezar had
been at war with Tou; and Hadoram
brought with him all kinds of articles
of gold, silver & bronze. King David
also dedicated these to the Lord,
along with the silver & gold that he
had brought from all these nations-
from Edom, from Moab, fr Ammon,
from Philistines and from Amalek…
And the Lord preserved David
wherever he went (IChr 18:9-13).
Lord, it is easy to think that our
successes and material blessings
are the result of our abilities and
hard work rather than gifts coming
from a loving and mighty God.
Help us learn from David of not
taking credit for the work God does;
but acknowledge God’s role in
His success and prosperity. Amen.

Lord, we will repent before You:
David gave orders to Joab… Take
a census: But Joab replied: Why
my lord do you want to do this?
Why must u cause Israel to sin?
But the king insisted… David said
to God: Was it not I who ordered
the fighting men to be counted?
I am the one who has sinned…
O Lord my God, let Your hand
fall upon me and my family, but
do not let this plague remain in
your people (1 Chron 21:2-4, 17).
Lord, I see in Your word the terrible
consequences of pride. I don’t want
to experience those consequences
in my life, and especially not to have
my family suffer because of my sin.
Reveal any pride in me so that I can
confess and repent it. And Help me
to have a humble heart. Amen.