Hearing God In Matthew 25 (Sep 6)

Doing Christ’s Assignment For Us 

Herod’s temple captured the
attention of all who passed by.
Commenting on its splendour, the
disciples set the stage for Jesus’
Olivet Discourse. His followers
are urged to watchful expectation
coupled with faithful service; for
despite signs of coming, the return
of Christ will be unannounced.
His coming will bring judgment on
nations & rewards for His followers.

Lord, we’ll Do God’s Assignment:
The master replied: You wicked
and lazy servant!… you should
At Least have put my money
into the bank so I could have
some interest (Mt 25:26-27).
When the Son of Man comes,
He Will Separate the people…
Then the king will say to those
on his right: Take your Inheritance…
For I was sick & you looked after me,
I was in prison & u came to visit me..
Whatever you did for one of the
least of these brothers and sisters,
you did it for me (Matt 25:31-40).
Go and make disciples… teaching
them to obey everything I have
commanded u (Mt 28:19-20). Amen

Lord, it’s easy to look at others and
think that I have Nothing to offer.
But You have blessed me with gifts
and talents that the world needs.
Help me to plant my talents and
look for opportunities to sow seeds
of kindness. Thank You for helping
those seeds to grow and flourish.
And thank You for reaping a good
harvest. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Your holy word has shown
us what Really Matters to You:
caring for the sick, visiting immates
and doing these things in Your name.
Help us feed daily on Your Word
and then go to live our life of faith.
Grant us the grace to do so for
it is the Spirit of Christ in us
that touches the disadvantaged
and that reveals the truth. Amen.

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
We will rise up to Your challenge
to Share the good news and
Make Disciples for your kingdom.
Help us step out of comfort zone
to find people who need to know U.
Help us witness to the people You
hv placed in our sphere of influence.
Help us to be concerned for the lost
in attitudes, words and deeds. And
we expect great things from You as
we attempt great things for U. Amen