Hearing God In 2 Sam 12 (Jun 14)

God Uses Someone to Tell You

At a time when David should
have been on the field of battle,
he finds himself instead on the
roof of the palace. A casual glance,
a lustful thought, an inquiry and
the king of Israel set in motion
a chain of events that culminates
in adultery and murder. God then
Sends Nathan To David to uncover
the whole ugly scheme; and David
Repents & Receives Forgiveness.

Lord, we Seek Your Forgiveness:
The Lord sent Nathan to David…
So David’s anger was greatly
aroused… and he said to Nathan:
As the Lord lives, the man who
has done this shall surely die!…
Then Nathan said to David:
You are the man… Why have you
despised the commandment of
the Lord, to do evil in His sight…
So David said to Nathan: I have
sinned against the Lord. And
Nathan said to David: The Lord
also has Put Away your sin;
you shall not die (2Sam 12:1-13).

Lord, thank you for your tender
mercies and forgiving spirit that
was shown clearly when You put
away David’s sin & spare his life
despite serious transgressions
including adultery, false witness,
abusing of power and murder.
We purpose that when we fall
into sin, that we will not hide
but come to You in repentance
that we may receive mercy. Amen.

Gracious Lord, have mercy upon
me; blot out my transgressions;
and cleanse me from my sin. For
I acknowledge my transgressions
and my sin is always before me.
Against U have I sinned and done
this unrighteousness in Your sight.
Create in me a clean heart O God
& renew steadfast spirit within me.
And restore to me the joy of Your
salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, when I sin, You do not want
promises or attempts at penance.
Rather U want me to wrestle with
the gravity of what I have done;
humbly come to U acknowledging
the wrong done and expressing
the desire to avoid such reckless
behaviour in the future. Gracious
Lord, Forgive me, restore me and
change me. And I want to be a
person after your own heart. Amen