Hearing God In 2 Sam 6 (Jun 13)

When God Says No to You

After years of running from Saul,
David is finally crowned over
the tribe of Judah. Rest of Israel
however followed Saul’s son Ish-
Bosheth. David did not attempt to
take the tribes by force but placed
the matter in God’s hands. After
a few years Ish-Bosheth was
assassinated and the rest of the
tribes finally put their support
behind David. David then moved
the capital to Jerusalem, defeated
surrounding nations and even
showed kindness to Saul’s family.

Lord, we’ll Submit to Your Will:
Nathan replied to the king: Go
ahead and do whatever you have
in mind for the Lord is with you.
But that same night the Lord said
to Nathan: Go and tell my servant
David: This is what the Lord has
declared: Are you the one to build
a house for me (2 Sam 7:3-5)…
When your days are over and you
rest with your fathers, I will raise
up your offspring to succeed you…
and I will establish his kingdom.
He is the one who will build a
house for my Name (v12-13).     Your house and your kingdom     will continue for all time, and your throne will be secure forever (v16).

Lord, we realise when we listen
for Your voice, sometimes we may
misunderstand some things. But
trust that You are okay with that.
Thank You for the grace and
patience as I learn Your voice.
Help me learn to recognise it
immediately. And guide me clearly
when I don’t. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, I trust You and accept Your
answers to my prayers, even when
the answer is not what I want.
Help me to always understand
Your will, especially when the
answers to my prayers are not
what I expected they would be.
I’m grateful that You know what is
best for me and will not allow me to
seek after things I shouldn’t. Amen.

Lord, when You says no, it does
not mean You don’t care for us.
It may mean You have a greater
purpose and know the outcome;
or what we ask for may be unwise
or second-best or may be wrong.
So Lord when You say no, help us
to trust Your wisdom; for You
may be signaling a yes in another
direction. And we look forward to
the good that You will send. Amen.