Hearing God In Gen 12/13 (May 21)

The Call to Journey of Faith

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
& travel to a unspecified new land.
Abram faces potential distractions
along the way: death of his father,
a severe famine, worldly pursuits
of his nephew Lot. But God is
looking for a man of Faith who
will Trust Him completely to keep
His promises. For Abram and his
descendants, those promises
include receiving a great name,
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing
in the face of impossible odds.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Call of Faith:
Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country, from your
family… to a land that I will show u.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name
great; and you shall be a blessing…
and in you all the families of the
earth shall be blessed. So Abram
departed as the Lord had spoken
to him… And Abram was 75 years
old when he left Haran (Gen 12:1-4)
And the Lord said to Abram after
Lot separated from him: Lift your
eyes now and look… for all the land
you see I give to you and your
descendants forever (G13:14-15).

Lord, I realise You usually not speak
so definitely that no faith is required
to follow. Yet U will speak enough
for faith to have some direction.
Lord, I don’t want to be paralysed
with uncertainty. Help me to follow
Yr voice even when I’ve questions.
Direct me Lord as I move forward;
and keep me guided in the middle
of Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You care for your servants
when they need courage. Though
the promise was already in place,
yet You God encouraged Moses
when he needed it most after Lot
took large chunk of fertile land.
Lord, I realise life is training ground;
but grant me courage to face
each day and make your presence
ever so real. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, we realise life is not about
assembling financial and relational
security and accomplishments.
And we ask You to shower us
with the blessings that are ours
in Christ. Make our life all about
what you have done, what you
will do and what you will give.
Make our life all about your
grace and goodness to us. Amen.