Praying thro Deut 8-11 (May 4)

Right Mentality for Obedience 

Moses continues his review of
Israel’s history as an illustration
to the people of God’s faithfulness
through their 40-year wilderness
trek. God’s provision in the past
provides confidence for the future.
He will continue to do great things
for His people if they continue
to walk in obedience to Him.
But if they are disobedient, ignore
His commands and worship other
gods, God will judge their rebellion.

Father God, thank you for Moses’
second oration for holy living and
Principles for key areas of life.
Help us Holy Spirit to inculcate
the Right Mentality for Obedience.
Help us feed our spirit on Yr Word
and find True Satisfaction in You.
Help us to Teach Children to love
and honour you & be drawn to U.
Help us Not to be So Focussed
on ourselves but to Intercede also
for the need of Others. Amen.

Lord, we’ll find Satisfaction in You:
Remember how the Lord your God
led you through the wilderness for
these 40 yrs, testing you… whether
you would obey his commands…He
humbled u by letting u go hungry
and then feeding you with manna.
He did it to teach you that we do
not live by bread alone; rather we
live by every word that comes from
the mouth of the Lord. For all these
40 years your clothes didn’t wear
out and your feet didn’t blister.
Think about it. The Lord disciplines
you for your own good (Deut 8:1-5)
Lord, we realise we should be
more concerned about feeding
our spirits than feeding our bodies.
We will keep focus on the Lord
by feeding on the Word, remaining
committed to God and finding
True Satisfaction in You. Amen.

Lord, we will Intercede for others:
Moses feared the wrath of the
Lord for he was angry enough to
destroy you. But the Lord listened
to me…Likewise when the Lord sent
you from Kadesh Barnea saying:
Go up and possess the land which
I have given you, then you rebelled
against the Lord and you did not
believe Him nor obey His voice.
Thus I prostrated myself before
the Lord 40 days and 40 nights
because the Lord had said He
would destroy you (Deut 9:19-25).
HS, help me to be an intercessor.
Help me Not to be So Focussed
on myself and my situation that
I don’t Pray for the need of Others.
Give me strong faith to believe that
my prayers can make a difference
in their lives. Show me the people
I need to pray and how I should
specifically pray for them. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Teach Children Yr Truth:
Moses said: Commit yourselves
completely to these words of mine.
Teach them to your children. Talk
about them when you are at home..
so that you and your children may
flourish in the land the Lord swore
to give yr ancestors (Deut 11:18-21)
Lord, we want to love You with all
our heart and Lead Children to love
and honour You as well. Help us
to live in such a way that they will
be drawn to You. Show us how to
talk with children about Your truth,
teach them Your principles and
apply Yr word to their lives. Amen