Thanksgiving In 1 Tim 1 (May 1)

Thank God for Being Patient

Timothy ministered alongside
with Paul as a missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the church
at Ephesus. Paul’s first letter
resembles a manual for building
church leadership. More generally,
it’s rich in principles for anyone who
wishes to impact the lives of others

Lord, You are Patient towards Us:
This is a faithful saying that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save
sinners (and) display His Immense
Patience as an example for those
who would believe in Him and
receive eternal life (1Tim 1:15-16).
(May) the prophetic words spoken
earlier…help you fight well in the
Lord’s battles; having Faith and a
good conscience (v18-19). Amen.

Lord, thank you for showing mercy
and not treating me as my sins
deserve. Just as You are Patient
toward sinners; help me to Be
Patient towards others. Help me
use my testimony to encourage
others to seek Your mercy and
Your grace. For I know that
what you have done on my life,
You will also do for others. Amen.

Lord, with all the distractions
and obstacles coming against us,
it will be difficult to stay on course
following the Master. When the
going gets tough, I’ll purpose to
Hold on to Your Word for my life.
I won’t depart from it, no matter
what contradictions I hear or think.
Help me to keep focused & pursue
the calling You have given. Amen.

Lord, thank you for all that You
have done for us. And out of
gratitude we want to serve You.
But we realise that right beliefs
and right behaviour are critical.
Help me be wholly committed to U;
help me Be Patient as You are; and
help me Hold On in Faith to Your
Word for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen