Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 15)

Hezekiah’s Reforms & Judah’s End
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Chron 29-36)

Backgrounder: Assyrian dispersion
of Israel has a profound Impact on
Judah. Inheriting a disorganised
country & a heavy tribute burden
to Assyria, Hezekiah in the very
first month of his administration
he repairs the Temple & restores
worship. But the final century of
Judah’s history is a bad dream.
After Manasseh’s 55-year reign
of terror and apostasy, even godly
reformer like Josiah is powerless
to prick the hearts of the people.
After his death the nation swiftly
returns to its abominable ways.
Eventually overthrown by the
Babylonians and city levelled, the
survivors are dragged to Babylon,
there to ponder their fate for 70
long years. But in the midst of
doom, King Cyrus of Persia issues
a decree: The house of the Lord
must be rebuilt in Jerusalem.

Dear Lord, thank You for the later
history of Judah kings that show
you are gracious and forgiving.
We’ll Return to You when we fall;
remember You are On Our Side &
always Seek Your Grace. Amen.

Lord, we Submit & Return to You:
At the king’s command,messengers
were sent thro out Israel & Judah.
They carried letters which said:
Return to the Lord so that He will
return to the few of us who have
survived the Assyrian conquest…
Don’t be stubborn but submit to
Him. Altho most of the people who
came had not purified themselves
yet they ate the Passover contrary
what was written. But Hezekiah
prayed for them: May the Lord,
who is good, pardon everyone
who sets his heart on seeking God
even if he is not clean according to
the rules of the sanctuary. And the
Lord heard Hezekiah & healed the
people (2Chron 30:6-9, 18-29).
Lord, we’ll submit & return to you.
Thankful even when I don’t do
everything right, You see in my
heart the desire to do so. Grateful
You look past my imperfections &
see Your Son in my heart instead.
Help us to live Your way. Amen

Lord, You are On Our Side:
King Sennacherib of Assyria
invaded Judah. He laid siege to
the fortified cities, giving orders for
his army to break thro their walls.
Hezekiah further strengthened
his defences by repairing the wall,
and adding to the fortifications…
Then Hezekiah encouraged them
with this address: Be strong and
courageous! Don’t be afraid of the
king of Assyria & his mighty army
for there is a power far greater
on our side! He may have a great
army, but they are just men. We
have the Lord our God to help us
and to fight our battles for us!
These words greatly encouraged
the people (2 Chron 32:1-8).
Lord, thankful you’re with us and
more powerful than everything.
I ask you to be with me in the
things I face this coming week.
And we praise You & yr greatness
in the midst of all that seems
large & looming in our life. Amen.

Lord, we look up & Seek Yr Grace:
Manasseh led the people of Judah
to do more evil than the pagan
nations whom the Lord destroyed.
…So the Lord sent the Assyrian
armies and they took Manasseh
prisoner. They put a ring through
his nose, bound him in chains and
led him away to Babylon. While in
deep distress, Manasseh sought
the Lord & cried out humbly to Him.
And when he prayed, the Lord
listened and was moved by his
request for help. So the Lord let
Manasseh return to Jerusalem
and to his kingdom (2C33:9-13).
Lord, how amazing your grace,
forgiveness and restoration are.
We praise you for your mercy and
loving-kindness offered so freely.
We want to follow you, but
when we stray from your paths,
help us to humbly cry out to you.
And let us know the joy of your
forgiveness and healing. Amen.

Dear Lord, your dealing with the
Judah kings show clearly that
You are Gracious and forgiving.
We praise you for your mercy and
loving-kindness offered so freely.
We purpose to submit ourselves
and Return to you when we do sin.
So when we stray from yr paths,
help us to Humbly Cry out to you.
Thank you that even when we
don’t do everything right, You see
in my heart the desire to do so
and look past my imperfections
But Help us to Live Your way.
And Lord, help us to remember
You are On Our Side, You’re with
us and that You’re more powerful
than everything that we face.
And we can live with confidence,
looking unto Jesus, the author
and finisher of our faith. And
in whose name we pray, Amen.