Thanksgiving in Exo 14 & 15 (Jan 4)

Thank God for Giving Strength

Trapped between the Red Sea
and the rapidly approaching
chariots of Egypt, the people
cry out in desperation; and God
answers in a miraculous fashion.
The Red Sea parts, the nation
crosses over on dry ground,
and shouts of panic turn to hymn
of praise as the Egyptian army
disappears in a watery grave.

Lord, bless and give us Strength:
Then Moses stretched out his hand
over the sea; and the Lord caused
the sea to go back by a strong
east wind all that night and made
the sea into dry land & the waters
were divided… Thus Israel saw
the great work which the Lord had
done in Egypt; so the pple feared
the Lord and believed the Lord and
His servant Moses (Ex 14:21-31).
Then Moses and the children of
Israel sang this song to the Lord
and spoke saying: The Lord is
my strength and He has become
my salvation; He is my God, and
I will praise Him (Ex 15:1-2) Amen.

Lord, You give everyone Strength
for their life, including Moses in
the deliverance of Your people.
Grateful You not only allow trials
in line with your purpose but also
give promise and strength so that
we can persevere through the trial.
Apostle Paul exhorts in Phil 4:13
we can do all things through Christ
who Strengthens us. Grant us Lord
timely recall of your power so that
we’ll persevere doing Yr Will. Amen

Lord, In any difficult circumstance,
I shall not be dismayed, for You are
my God. You will Strengthen me,
You will help me, You will uphold
me with Your righteous right hand.
I pray in agreement with King David
in Psa 28: The Lord is my Strength
and shield; my heart trusts in Him.
And I pray in agreement with Moses
The LORD indeed is my Strength
and I will praise Him for He will
become my salvation. Amen.

Father God, I Pray in agreement
with Moses that You are awesome
in praises,working wonders(Ex15:11)
You’re the Creator, Protector & the
light that shines in the darkness.
I stand in awe of your past deeds
and in your mercy, renew them in
our day. Let me not lose sight of
You in the rush of life. And keep
my awareness of You sharp all
day long. In Jesus’ name, Amen.