Gospel Truth in Mark 10 (Oct 22)

Trust God & Pray In Faith

Sayings of the Servant (Mk 8-10):
As opposition to Jesus’ ministry
increases, it is no longer safe
to move openly in Galilee. So
Jesus traverses the regions of
Decapolis, Caesarea & Perea,
thereby avoiding the crowds and
deadly plots of religious leaders.
In the concluding days of His
earthly ministry, Jesus begins
to prepare His disciples for the
faithful journey to Jerusalem
that will mark the end of His life
and the beginning of their role
as bearers of the glad tidings.

Lord, we will Pray In Faith:
Looking at the man, Jesus felt
genuine love for him. He told him:
give money to the poor & you will
have treasure in heaven. Then
come, Follow Me (Mark 10:21).
Jesus looked at them and said:
With man this is impossible,
but not with God; all things are
Possible With God (Mark 10:27).
What do you want me to do?
Jesus asked. Teacher, the
blind man said: I want to see!
And Jesus said to him: Go your
way, Your Faith has healed you.
And instantly the blind man
could see (Mark 10:51-52) Amen.

Lord Jesus, You know how much
we want of You. Our heart gives
one answer and constraints of
our lifestyle another & something
has to give. Lord, help us not
to make the same choice that
the young man in Mark 10 made.
Help us to say Yes to You, your
purpose and Your presence.
And want to go deeper, whatever
it costs for You are good and You
work all things for good. Amen.

Lord, You are all powerful and
nothing is too hard for You;
not even changing the most
difficult circumstances of my life.
What is impossible for me is
not impossible for You. And so
I ask that U will do the impossible
and transform me to be full of
Your love, joy and peace that
surpasses human understanding.
And enable me to do great things
by the power of Your Spirit. Amen.

Lord, thank you for caring for
every detail of my life. Help me
to follow as your precious Spirit
leads me to pray about the deep
longings of my heart. Help me
to persist Praying In Faith for
the manifestation of Your glory.
And I long to please You in every
request made before Your throne
of grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.