Gospel Truth in Mark 7 (Oct 19)

Be Inwardly Sincere & Humble

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At first even His companions are
perplexed by His power & authority,
wondering: What manner of man
is this, that even the wind and
the sea obey Him. But patiently –
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even raising the dead
the Master Servant works to
convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, thank you for Mark gospel,
which proclaims Christ thro His
ministry of power and authority
and yet with a servant mindset.
Lord, help us to Share Your Story;
help us to be Sincere & Honest;
help us to Guard our Inner Life &
help us to be Humble. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Be Sincere:
Then the Pharisees and scribes
asked Him: Why do your disciples
not walk according to the tradition
of elders, but eat with unwashed
hands? He answered: Well did
Isaiah prophesy of U Hypocrites:
These people honour me
with their lips, but their hearts
are far from me (Mark 7:5-6).
Lord, help us beware of traditions
that can clutter up our minds
and crowd out important things.
Lift me out of the mere tradition
into the freedom & life of Yr Spirit.
And help me to focus on those
things that You value dearly. Amen

Lord, we purpose Guard Inner Life:
You are not defiled by what u eat;
you are defiled by what you say
and do! It is the thought-life
that defiles you. For from Within,
out of a person’s heart, come
evil thoughts, sexual immorality,
theft…greed, wickedness, deceit…
envy, slander, pride & foolishness.
All these vile things come from
within; they are what defile you
and made you unacceptable
to God (Mark 7:15-23).
Lord, create a pure heart in me
and put a loyal spirit within me.
Give me a heart that is in tune
with You so that love motivates
daily decisions and behaviour.
Help me pay attention to Inner Life
and be transformed into Yr image.
Help me think about what is true,
right, pure and lovely. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Be Humble:
A woman whose young daughter
had an unclean spirit came…
Jesus said: Let the children be
filled first, for it is not good to
take the children’s bread and
throw it to the little dogs. And
she answered; Even the little dogs
eat from the children’s crumbs.
Then He said: For this saying
go your way; the demon has gone
our of your daughter (Mk7:25-29)
Lord, we learnt from the Greek
woman to have the right attitude
in approaching You with Humility
not asking for rights but mercy.
And also to have Persistence
of pushing through all barriers,
thus showing her Sincere Faith.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.