Prayer Thots on 1 John 3 (Oct 2)

God Promises You’ll Be Like Him

Apostle John desires his spiritual
children enjoy close fellowship
with God & writes telling them how:
God is Light and therefore to
engage in fellowship with Him
means walking in the light of
His commandments. God is Love,
and thus His children must walk
in love. God is Life, and those
who desire fellowship with Him
must possess the spiritual life,
which begins with spiritual birth.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Love:
See what great love the Father
had lavished on us, that we
should be called children of
God! And that is what we are!
What we will be had not been
made known. But we know that
when Christ appears, we shall
be like him, for we shall see him
as he is (1 John 3:1-2). Amen.

Dear Abba Father, thank you
for loving us so much that You
call us & made us Your children.
I know that you greatly cares
for us and the various challenges
that we may face. And I humbly
come to You with all my needs.
Thank you for having Your arms
open to me, and for drawing me
near to You so that I can rest
in Your loving kindness. Amen.

Lord, praise U for being the Holy
One, Creator of universe and that
You love me so much. Thank you
for adopting me into your family.
I am not just a forgiven sinner,
because of what Christ has done;
But I am also your child; and
that one day I will be like Christ
Lord, help me to live out my true
identity as your child. And help me
live for U as I await that day. Amen.

Lord, I know I will be like You
when I appear before You and
see You as You are. But as I come
to Your Presence now on earth,
let me see You more clearly and
be transformed to be more like U.
You bring out the best in me,
and I embrace as my true self
the person I become when I am
with You. In Your name, Amen.