Prayer Thots on 1 Peter 1 (Sep 24)

God Gives You Living Hope

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
living hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Be sure you are doing what is right.
Imitate Christ in your submissive
spirit toward one another,
and God will richly reward you
when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we Claim Our Inheritance:
Praise be to the God…In His Great
Mercy He has given us new birth
into a Living Hope through the
resurrection of Christ fr the dead
into an inheritance that can never
perish… This inheritance is kept
in heaven for you (1Pet 1:3-4).
Now for a little while you may
have had to suffer grief in all
kinds of trials. These have come
so that the proven genuineness
of your faith – of Greater Worth
than gold…may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed (v6-7) Amen.

Father, thank You that it’s because
of Your Boundless Mercy that
I have the privilege of being born
again in Christ. Thank You for
giving Your Son to die for me
so that I could become your child.
You promise that I can look forward
to a Priceless Inheritance with You,
an inheritance that can never
perish, spoil or fade. Amen.

Father, I thank you for the hope
and inheritance that you have
provided by the resurrection of
Your Son and our Saviour Jesus.
I praise You for the boundless
mercy that gave me the privilege of
being born again to a Living Hope.
Thank you for giving me life with
a wonderful expectation because
You have reserved a priceless
inheritance for me and for all
Your children. In His name, Amen.

Lord, help me realise that trials
are meant for my Ultimate Good;
so help me learn to rejoice in You.
Help me to hold on to what You
have promised for the future.
And as I face trials, pray that I will
continually seek Your guidance;
that my character be refined by U
and that U will strengthen my faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.