Prayer Thots on James 1 (Sep 17)

God Helps You in times of Trouble

Just as a human body that fails
to breathe is labelled a dead body,
so too a faith that fails to breathe
us labelled a dead faith. And the
breath of faith in the Christian life
is good works: demonstrating
concern for the poor, controlling
the tongue, exhibiting a spirit of
humility and building up others.

Lord, we Seek You for Help:
Consider it pure joy whenever
You face trials of many kinds,
because u know that the testing of
Your faith produces Perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its work
do that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.
If any of you Lacks Wisdom,
he should Ask God, who gives
generously to all without finding
fault, and it will be given to him.
But when he asks, he must believe
and not doubt (Jas 1:2-6). Amen.

Lord, one hallmark of my faith
should be the ability to face
troubles with Your perspective
in mind. So grant me the ability
to face troubles with Your grace.
Help me to hold on to Your promise
so that when my faith is tested,
endurance has a chance to grow.
In precious name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord, thank You that Your Word
promises that You will give
wisdom to us when we ask for it.
So I ask for wisdom, for I know
true wisdom comes only from You.
Help me to be wise in daily decision
especially when I must act quickly.
Help me to know what to do & what
not to do in any situation. Amen.

Dear Lord, we realise You want
believers not only to hear the truth
but also to do it. Grant us grace
to commit to love and to serve;
and help us to seek ways of
Living Out Our Faith In You, for
they are evidence of true faith.
Help us to have Endurance;
help us to Ask for Wisdom and
help us to be Obedient. Amen.