Preview on 1-3 John & Jude (Sep8)

Preview on 1-3 John & Jude

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Perfect Servant,
Savior of the world, Messianic King
and the Son of God, before Acts
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith,
Ephesians living as Body of Christ
to Colossians Doctrinal Purity and
to Philippians Unity of the Spirit;
before Paul’s pastoral letters and
then pursing maturity in Hebrews,
practical Christianity in James and
Maturing thro tough times in 1/2Pet.

Continuing into 1 John, the beloved
apostle wrote the letter to help his
brothers in their walk with God.
He wants them to be grounded
in assurance of their salvation,
experiencing victory over sin and
the joy of the Christian life. He
reminds readers that belief should
be based on Christ’s incarnation
and that every believer has
responsibility to walk like Christ.

In 2 John, the apostle wrote to
an elect lady and her children;
to stress the importance of balance
in Christian life. John commends
the group for standing firm in the
faith & warns about false teaching.
John exhorts his readers to obey
God by loving Him & one another,
and abide in the doctrine of Christ.

John’s third letter opens with an
address to Gaius whose hospitality
& love of the truth bring joy to him.
John also holds up Demetrius as
another commendable example
of a saint. Both men walk in the
truth, serve the church faithfully
and have good reputation.
By contrast, John rebukes
Diotrephes for his gossip,
pride and arrogant attitude.

Alarmed by the presence of
false trenching, Jude (who was
the brother of James) exhorts
believers to stand firm for the truth.
He ends his short epistle with
a series of urgent commands:
Remember Christ’s words,
remain in God’s love and seek
to remove erring brothers from
the fiery danger of their ways.

We’ll cover the 3 letters of John as
well as Jude over two weekends.
Lookout for them to be encouraged
to live out the truth in love and
humility and contend for the faith.