Prayer Thot for the Day (Jul 2)

Appealing God thro NT Promises
(Significance Reinstated)

Dear Friends,
We have completed eight months
of devotion on God’s Promises,
following three earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Knowing God’s thro His Names
and Praising God thro Hymns.
Before continuing, let’s pause
to consider the significance of
Appealing God on NT Promises.

There are so much to pray about:
our dreams, hopes and plans.
But often we are held up by our
own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in HIS Word.
Then we no longer wonder if this
is something God cares about, for
He brought it up in the first place.

As we pray God’s promises, note
the starting point is His Nature:
that the Lord is Trustworthy
in all He promises (Psa 145:13).
Claim God’s promises are rock solid
for His Nature stands behind them.
Secondly,we must always trust God
to work In His Way and In His Time.
So, we must Be Patient, Wait upon
the Lord and Keep Trusting that
His promises will yet come true!

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on Your Scriptural Promises:
That Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Comfort them;
That they Will Experience the
blessings of a praying life; and
That their Faith Will Arise so that
they Will Trust You more and more.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Dear Friends, NT Promises covered
over the last 9 wks are listed below:
For Today’s Devotion, pick a post
that addresses your present need.
Recommend esp last month posts.
Go to John, if u need satisfaction,
freedom, peace and fruitfulness.
Go to Acts, if you need Power
and experience His presence.
Go to Romans, if you need
freedom, transformation & hope.

Promises of God (Wk 25 Matthew)
May 1: God Is Always With U (Mt 1)
M2:G’s Word Keeps U from Sin(M4)
M3:G Helps those Dependent (Mt5)
M4:God Provides Your Needs (Mt6)

Promises of God (W26 Matthew)
M7: God Rewards Seekers (Mt 7)
M8: God Blesses Believers (Mt8)
M9: God Promises Rest to U (Mt 11)
M10: God Gives Direction (Mt 14)
M11: Nothing Impossible With G(17)

Promises of God (W27 Matthew)
M14:God Blesses P Agreement(18)
M15:God Exalts His Servants(M20)
M16: God Answers P of Faith(Mt21)
M17:Christ Promises Return(Mt 24)
M18: Jesus With U Always (Mt 28)

Promises of God (W28 Mark)
M21: God Helps Fight Temptn(Mt1)
M22: Christ Our Bread of Life(Mk8)
M23:G of Yr Desired Outcome (M9)
M24:G Enables & Rewards U(Mk10)
M25: God Answers P of Faith(Mk11)

Promises of God (W29 Luke)
M28: God of the Impossible (Lk 1)
M29: God Gives U Authority (Lk 10)
M30:G Loves Persistent Prayer(L11)
M31: God Favours the Ready (Lk12)
J1:Christ Urges Not Give Up (Lk18)

Promises of God (W30 John)
Jun4: Appealing God thro Promises
J5: God Gives U Eternal Life (Jn3)
J6: God Satisfies Yr Longings (Jn4)
J7: Christ Our Bread of Life (Jn 6)
J8: God Sets U Free In Christ (Jn8)

Promises of God (W31 John)
J11: Christ Will Take Care of U (J10)
J12: Christ Honours Followers (J12)
J13: Christ Gives U Peace (Jn 14)
J14: Christ Wants U Be Fruitful(J15)
J15: Christ Intercedes For You (J17)

Promises of God (W32 Acts)
J18:Christ Made Us Witnesses(A1)
J19:Christ Gives Power Source(A2)
J20: God Acts When We Pray (A13)
J21:Praising G Releases Power(A16)
J22: God Is Always Near You (A17)

Promises of God (W33 Romans)
J25: God Frees U From Sin (Rom 3)
J26: G Uses Problems Shape U(R5)
J27: HS Helps In Yr Distresses (R8)
J28: God Will Transform You (R12)
J29: G Overflows U with Hope(R15)

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