Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 13)

Christ Gives You Peace

Backgrounder on John 13-17:
The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before his death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus and
His men as He models true
humility (Jn 13), describes the
coming Holy Spirit (Jn 14-16)
and intercedes for the unity and
protection of His disciples (Jn 17)

Lord, we’ll Hold On to Your Peace:
These things I have spoken to
you while being present with you.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send will
teach you all things; and bring to
your remembrance all things that
I said to you. Peace I leave with
you, and the peace I give isn’t
like the peace the world gives.
So don’t be troubled or afraid
(John 14:25-27). Amen.

Lord Jesus, the same Spirit in
whose power You lived on earth,
is the Spirit You have poured out
in us, when we accepted You and
were redeemed by your blood.
Help us recognise and cooperate
with the indwelling Christ so that
we can draw on U for every need.
Reveal clearly to us the mind
of Christ in every situation that
we face & grant us peace. Amen.

Lord, in a fallen world what we
have most is trouble; and what we
have previous little of is peace.
We need peace of mind so that
we can turn off nagging worries.
We need peace of heart and not
paralysed by crippling emotions.
We need peace of soul so that we
can face the future with confidence
Temporary distractions & pleasures
are the best the world can offer; for
only God has power to give us real
peace. Lord, I need to know the
peace that U offer. Keep me from
chasing after worldly distractions
or pleasurable diversions. Grant
me true peace, enduring peace
so that I can rest in You. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the peace of
mind and heart that You provide
for me. In the midst of my
circumstances, I want to receive
Your peace for my life. I love You
for overcoming the world through
Your completed work on the cross.
Help me keep my eyes firmly
fixed on You and enter into your
peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.