Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 12)

Christ Will Honour His Followers

Backgrounder on John 9-12:
Christ’s claims draw the attention
of more than the hungry and sick.
The religious leaders concerned
about maintaining the status quo,
respond with angry resistance.
But how do You refute a Man
who preaches that He is the
Light of the World, then proves
it by giving sight to the blind? …
who claims He is the resurrection
& the life, then validates that claim
by raising a man from the dead.

Lord, we will Follow Your Leading:
Jesus said: He who loves his
life will lose it and he who hates
his life in this world will keep it.
All those who want to be my
disciples must come & follow me.
And if they follow me, the Father
Will Honour them. Now my soul
is deeply troubled. Should I pray:
Father, save me from what lies
ahead? But that is the very reason
why I came! Father, Bring Glory
to your name (Jn 12:25-28).

Lord, grant us the grace to be
immersed in the love of Christ
and to live more purposefully.
Help us learn to lead fruitful lives
spent in loving others so that
they may know the Saviour.
Help us to stay close to You;
to worship and praise You; and
bring glory to God’s name. Amen.

Lord, may my highest desire and
motivation be that your name
will be glorified in every trial
and situation I may go through.
Keep my mind and heart focused
on Jesus’ example and committed
to what God wants to accomplish
in my life. Holy Spirit, please give
me grace to live wholeheartedly
for the glory of God’s name, Amen.

In my life Lord
Be glorified, be glorified
In my life, Lord
Be glorified today.
In Your church, Lord
Be glorified, be glorified
In Your church, Lord
Be glorified today.
In my heart, Lord
Be glorified, be glorified
In my heart, Lord
Be glorified today.