Praying thro 2 Corinthians (Jun 10)

God Helps U Prevail In Difficulties
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Cor 6-13)

Backgrounder: Paul defended
his ministry by showing how
individuals can be reconciled to a
loving God. And he pleads with the
Corinthian church to be reconciled
to him as their spiritual father.
In his final words, Paul draws upon
his authority as an apostle to exhort
the rebellious to repent so that
his approaching visit can be a time
of rejoicing rather than rebuke.

Lord, thanks for Paul’s letter
which teaches us how to be more
effective in Christian ministry.
Help us to be blameless, sincere,
confident, caring, and willing
to suffer for the sake of Christ.
Lord, as we may face challenges
in life including spiritual battles,
physical ailment & difficult people;
help us use Yr mighty weapons;
help us be Enabled by You; and
help us place our Faith in U. Amen

Lord, we’ll use Yr mighty weapons:
We are humans but we don’t wage
war with human plans & methods.
We use God’s mighty weapons, not
mere worldly weapons, to knock
down the Devil’s strongholds.
With these weapons we break
down every proud argument that
keeps people from knowing God.
With these weapons we conquer
their rebellious ideas and we teach
them to obey Christ (2Cor 10:3-6)
Lord, thank you for your weapons
of warfare, which are mighty and
supernatural. Teach me to wield
them as I stand against the enemy.
Strengthen me as I intercede
for others. I pray that You
will demolish the devil’s dark
strongholds and establish your
kingdom of Light and truth. Amen

Lord, we will be Enabled by You:
Three different times I begged
the Lord to take (my thorn in the
flesh) away. Each time He said:
My grace is all you need.
My power works best in weakness.
So now I am glad to boast about
my weaknesses, so that the power
of Christ can work through me.
That’s why I take pleasure in
my weaknesses, hardships and
troubles that I suffer for Christ.
For when I am weak, then I am
strong (2 Cor 12:8-10). Amen.
Lord, You know all my frailties
that keep me feeling insufficient.
But You are my sufficiency and
my strength; and I depend on You.
And I surrender my frailties to You.
Teach me the art of looking to
You instead of at my problems.
Give me eyes of faith that I might
press on when I feel overwhelmed.
And please step into my weakness
with Yourself and Your help. Amen

Lord, we’ll place our Faith in You:
Now we pray to God that you will
not do anything wrong. Not that
people will see that we have
stood the test but that you will do
what is right even though we may
seem to have failed. For we can’t
do anything against the truth,
but only for the truth. We are glad
whenever we are weak but you
are strong; and our prayers is for
your perfection (2Cor 13:7-9) Amen
Lord, when I see the failure of
any servant of Yours, I pray it
will not shake my faith in the least.
Help me to do the right thing
and remains strong in You no
matter what I see others doing.
Give me faith that is not dependent
on the rise or fall of others. I know
You won’t fail,even though others
do,and that’s all that matters. Amen