Prayer Thot for the Day (April 12)

God Bigger Than Your Problems

Backgrounder on Jeremiah 30-33:
God pledges to reestablish the
nation after it has been purified
by the discipline of exile. As a sign
of His promise, He orders Jeremiah
to purchase a field that would
soon belong to the conquering
Babylonians. That land would
one day become part of the
restored nation to be ruled
by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, You are All Able & Mighty:
Now when I had delivered the
purchase deed to Baruch, I prayed
to the Lord saying; Ah Lord God!
Behold You have made the heavens
and the earth by Your great power
& outstretched arm. There is no-
thing too hard for U (Jer32:16-17)
Then the word of the Lord came
to Jeremiah saying: Behold, I’m the
Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there
anything too hard for Me (v26-27)

Lord, thank You that nothing
in my life is beyond your reach.
Nothing is too large or difficult
for Your powerful hand at all.
Help me to remember that
You display your power best in
impossible situations. Give me
greater understanding of who
You are so that my trust in you
will grow and be complete. Amen.

Lord, when my faith is shaky,
Remind me of Yr Almighty power.
Give me a fresh glimpse of who
you really are. You made heavens
and the earth and you made us.
Nothing is impossible with You.
Increase my faith. Supply the
confidence I need to believe fully
in this promise, especially when
I’m facing hopeless situation. Amen

Ah Lord God, Thou made heavens
And the earth by thy great power
Nothing nothing absolutely nothing
Nothing is too difficult for Thee.
There is hope for the hopeless
Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is Mercy and Healing.
You God will meet us
Whatever our circumstances.
We just need to COME to You.
Cry to God. Cry to Jesus.
For Nothing is too Difficult
for You Lord. Amen and Amen !