Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 25)

Solomon’s Fame & Failure
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Kings 1-11)

Backgrounder: As David’s life
draws to a close, he publicly
proclaims Solomon his successor.
Solomon asks God for wisdom
to rule skilfully rather than for
wealth to live lavishly. In return,
God gives him both! Before his
death, David charged Solomon
with the responsibility of building
a house for God in Jerusalem.
Under Solomon’s able leadership,
the nation boundaries expand
five times the area ruled by David.
Financially, Solomon enjoys
unparalleled prosperity as tribute
from neighbouring nations flows
into national treasury. But even
as the nation prospers, the seeds
of spiritual decay are being sown.
Solomon’s passion for pagan
women turns his heart from the
God of heaven to gods of men.

Dear God, Thanks for the lessons
from the life of King Solomon.
Help us to Seek Your Wisdom;
Help us Follow Yr Will & Obey it &
Help us Turn our Heart to U. Amen

Lord, we Seek Your Wisdom:
That night the Lord appeared to
Solomon in a dream & God said:
What do you want? Ask and I will
give it to you! Solomon replied:
You have made me king… but
I am like a little child who doesn’t
know his way around… Give me
an understanding heart so that
I can govern your people well
and know the difference between
right and wrong. For who by
himself is able to govern this
great people of yours? The Lord
was pleased that Solomon had
asked for wisdom (1Kings 3:5-10)
Lord, help us seek your wisdom.
Open my ears to it & help me to
recognise wisdom when I hear it.
Give me the wisdom to know
what to do & how to do and the
courage to follow through on it.
And we know that even as we put
You God & Your agenda first that
U will satisfy all our needs. Amen

Lord, we Follow Yr Will & Obey it:
Praise the Lord who has given
rest to his people Israel, just as
he promised. Not one word has
failed of all the wonderful promises
he gave thro his servant Moses.
May the Lord our God be with us
as he was with our ancestors;
may he never forsake us.
May he give us the desire to
do His will in everything and to
obey all the commands, laws
and regulations that he gave
our ancestors (1 Kings 8:56-57).
Lord, we praise you for keeping
covenant and fulfilling your plan.
Give me the desire to do your will.
Thanks for the promise that in
your faithfulness you will fulfill
your purpose in my life just as you
fulfilled all yr promises to Moses.
Not one of them failed and
neither will your promises to me.
So we purpose in our heart to want
to obey God & Do His will. Amen.

Lord, we Turn our Heart to You:
As Solomon grew old, his wives
turned his heart after other gods,
and his heart was not fully devoted
to the Lord his God, as the heart
of David his father had been…
Thus Solomon did what was evil
in the Lord’s sight; he refused
to follow the Lord completely…
The Lord was very angry with
Solomon for his heart had turned
away from the God of Israel who
had appeared to him twice. He
had warned Solomon specifically
about worshipping other gods but
Solomon did not listen (1K11:4-10)
Lord, we turn freshly to U today.
I want to stay close to U & not turn
my heart away as Solomon did.
Help me to never make an idol
out of anything or anyone, or
put them before you in any way.
Keep me to follow You all the days
of my life. Thank you for all the
good things You have given me.
And I put you above all else. Amen

Dear God, Thanks for the lessons
from the life of King Solomon.
Help us to Seek your wisdom,
recognise wisdom when I hear it
& courage to follow through on it.
Thanks for the good plan for each
of us & that u fulfil your promises.
Give me the desire to Follow your
will and the Obedience to do it.
Help me to Not to Make an Idol
out of anything or anyone.
Keep us to Follow U all the days
of our life, even as we purpose
to put you above all else.
Help us Turn our heart wholly to U
& we shall have no gods before U.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.