Praying thro Ezekiel (Mar 11)

God Gives Message of Hope:
(Prayer Walk thro Ezek 33-48)

Backgrounder: After the fall of
Jerusalem, Ezekiel delivered
messages of future restoration
(restoring the people of God &
restoring the Worship of God)
and Hope for the people. God is
holy but the temple had been
defiled. The nation had to be
cleansed thro 70 years of captivity.
Thus Ezekiel gives a vivid picture of
the unchangeable holiness of God.

Dear Lord, thank you for Your
message of restoration and Hope.
Even as we face struggles of life,
help us Lord to gain a vision of
the glory of God & a fresh sense
of Your holiness and greatness.
Even as we Turn from sins to U;
Enable us Move in the Spirit &
Revive our Dreams. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Turn from sins to You:
You are saying: Our sins are heavy
upon us; we are wasting away!
How can we survive? Says the
Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure
in the death of the wicked people.
I only want them to turn from
their wicked ways so they can live.
For instance, they return what
they have stolen & obey my laws,
no longer doing what is evil.
If they do this, then they will live
and not die. None of their past sins
will be brought up again, for they
have done what is just and right,
& they will surely live (Ez33:11-16)
Lord, thank you that your central
message of hope & restoration
is not onerous for you just want
Your people to just Turn to You.
In your mercy, You look at what
we’ll become & not what we have
been. Thankful when we repent, U
remember our sins no more. Amen

Lord,enable us Move in the Spirit:
I will put My Spirit within you and
cause you to walk in My statutes,
and you will keep My judgments
and no them. And I will put my
Spirit in you and move you to
follow my decrees and be careful
to keep my laws (Ezek 36:26-27).
Lord, thank You that You have
put Your Holy Spirit within me
to guide me in all things worthy.
Lead me by the power of Your
Holy Spirit so that I will always
obey Your Word & follow Yr laws.
Give me the discipline I need
to do what I must do. Help me
to follow Your leading and not
run ahead or behind chasing
after my own ways. Amen.

Lord, U can Revive our Dreams:
Again He said to me: Prophesy
to these bones and say to them:
O dry bones, hear the word of the
Lord. This is what the Sovereign
Lord says to these bones: I will
make breath enter you, and you
will come to life…Then u will know
that I am the Lord (Ezek 37:4-6).
Lord, there are areas of my life
that seems dead, that need new
infusion of Your life. There are
dreams I have had that seems
as if they have died because
it’s been a long time and still
they have not been realised.
I know if you can make dry bones
into a vast army, U can bring life to
anything worth praying about, no
matter how dead it seems. Amen.