Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 27)

God Helps & Protects His People

Backgrounder on Psalms 120-127:
These psalms deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
Protection (121, 125, 127); and
provision (123, 124, 126). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life

Lord, You Help and Protect us:
My Help Comes from the Lord,
who made the heavens and the
earth! He will not let you stumble
and fall; the one who Watches
over u will not slumber (Ps121:2-3)
The Lord himself Watches over you!
The Lord stands besides you as
your protective shade…The Lord
Keeps you from Evil & preserves
your life. The Lord keeps watch
over you as u come & go (v5-8).

Lord, our Help comes from You,
who made the heavens & earth!
Because You hold me, I will not
stumble and fall. Because You
watch over me, I will not fear
for my security is in You my God.
Thank you for watching over me
and for caring about my situation.
Thank You I am not alone for
You are with me and helping me.
I don’t like going through troubles
but I’m grateful for your constant
presence and assistance. Amen.

Lord, I pray for protective covering.
And thank You for watching over
and protecting my loved ones!
What peace it gives me to know
that You never slumber or sleep.
And that I can confidently entrust
those I love to your care & keeping.
Bless and keep my family coming
and going both now & always.Amen

Lord, Your assurance to your
followers is that You Will Keep
them from all Evil. Thank you
Lord that though evil may come,
it has no power over me.
I believe that U will, as promised
preserve my life. I want to live
with confidence that I am safe
in You. Keep me busy Trusting,
not worrying over things. Amen.