Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 20)

God’s Faithfulness Is Dependable

Backgrounder on Psalms 107-110:
There is plenty to sing about
in these psalms. First is the song
of the Redeemed (P107), then
a song dedicated to the God of
Might & Glory (P108) and a song
of lament over the attacks of an
enemy (P109). But how can u sing
when the godless are seemingly
getting away with murder?
Remember the Lord is king (P110)

Lord, You are Mighty & Faithful:
I will awaken the dawn with song.
I will Praise You, O Lord, Among
the Peoples & I will sing praises
to You among the nations.
For Your mercy is great
above the heavens, and Your
Faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Be exalted O God above the
heavens, and your glory above
all the earth (Ps 108:2-5) Amen.

Lord, thank you for always calling
me to draw near to you. That is
my desire, so I ask You to work
within me the power & the energy
to rise each morning to meet you.
My heart is confident in You,
in Your mercy and faithfulness.
No wonder I love to sing yr praises!
Be exalted O God. Amen.

Lord, as your unfailing love is
higher than the mountains and
your faithfulness reaches to the
clouds, surely you promise to be
Faithful to yr people. I surrender
my fears & trust in You to see me
through. Grant me grace to praise
and thank you this day and to see
your glory no matter what! Amen.

Lord, thank you for your unfailing
love. I praise U for your faithfulness.
Strengthen me so that I am secure
in your love and your faithfulness.
Lead me to thank and Praise You
in front of all people so that
your name will be glorified. Amen.