Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 16)

God’s Plan Never Fails

Backgrounder on Psalms 104-106:
In these psalms, we see three snap
shots of the great God you serve.
He is big enough to create and
rule the universe (Ps 104); He is
small enough to rule in the hearts
of His people (Ps 105) and He
is loving enough to discipline
His rebellious children (Ps 106).

Lord, Your Plan Never Fails:
He called for a famine on the land
of Canaan, cutting off food supply.
Then He sent someone to Egypt
ahead of them (Joseph) who
was sold as a slave (Ps 105:16-17).
Lord, You had promised Joseph
that he would be a great leader;
and you used seemingly adverse
circumstances to position Joseph
for receiving the promise.
And You brought famine on the
promised land, but first U prepared
their deliverance in Egypt.
What appeared to be a disaster
and a tragedy drove God’s people
to a place of God’s provision.
So, when it seems that everything
is working against me, remind
me that in truth, everything is
actually working for me. Amen.

Lord, Your Plan Never Fails:
Then Israel arrived in Egypt; Jacob
lived as a foreigner in the land of
Ham. And the Lord multiplied the
people of Israel until they became
too mighty for their enemies.
Then He turned the Egyptians
against the Israelites (v23-25).
Lord, thank you for the assurance
that your plans never fail.
When everything around me
seems hopeless, remind me of
your plan for the Israelites in
captivity in Egypt. Help me to see
things from yr eternal perspective.
And to hold on to the reality that
in spite of the way things look,
You are always in control. Amen.

Lord, You are the Great Provider:
The Lord spread out a cloud above
them as a covering and gave them
a great fire to light the darkness.
They asked for meat and he gave
them quail; he gave them manna.
He opened up a rock and water
gushed out (Ps 105:39-41).
Lord, thank you for your Word
which reminds me of your faithful
provision to your people through
history. Thank you for all the ways
You have provided for my needs.
Help me to respond with thanks-
giving and obedience to your will.
I look to You as my provider and
Your provision never fails. Amen.