Praying thro Lamentations (Feb 10)

Lessons from Weeping Prophet
(Prayer Walk thro Lam 1-5)

Backgrounder: In Lamentations
the prophet Jeremiah turns to
poetry to express his deepest
emotions over the tragic fall of
Jerusalem. The book consists
of five poems. The prophet begins
by weeping over Jerusalem in the
midst of her destruction. But thro
his tears, Jeremiah turns his heart
to view the sovereign God behind
it all. As he considers God’s Control
of human affairs, Jeremiah is able
to shout victoriously: Great is thy
faithfulness (3:23) as he intercedes
for the restoration of the nation
after its punishment is complete.

Dear Lord, we learn in Lamentation
that to disobey You is to invite
disaster. But U are always Faithful
to Your people, ever merciful and
restoration is upmost in your plan.
Help us to Find Hope in sorrow
and See Your Timing Is Perfect for
U are Unchanging & Faithful. Amen

Lord, we will Find Hope in sorrow:
The Lord has done what He
purposed; He has Fulfilled
His Word. And He has caused
an enemy to rejoice over you…
Arise, cry out in the night, as the
watches of the night begin; pour
out your heart like water in the
presence of the Lord. Lift up
your hands to him (Lam 2:17-19).
Lord, I pour out my heart before
You regarding the things in my life
that cause me grief. I lift my hands
to You because You are my hope
and Your compassion never fails.
Heal me of all emotional pain, and
use the sorrow I have suffered
for good. I pray in Your presence
I will find restoration. And being
comforted by You, I will be in the
position to comfort others. Amen.

Lord, Your Timing Is Perfect:
Through the Lord’s mercies
we are not consumed,
because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your Faithfulness…
Therefore I hope in Him!
The Lord is good to those who
wait for Him, and seek Him.
It is good that one should hope
and wait quietly for the salvation
from the Lord (Lam 3:22-26).
Lord, quiet my heart and mind
so that I am willing to wait on You;
not with grumbling & frustration
but with hope and assurance
that You do everything in Your
perfect timing. Give me patience,
and help me to look for your
answers to the requests I make.
And increase my faith that You
are working, even when I must
wait for your answer. Amen.

Lord, U are Unchanging & Faithful:
Lord, You Remain the Same forever!
Your Throne continues from
generation to generation.
Why do You… forsake us for so
long a time? Turn us back to You
& we will be restored (Lam 5:19-21)
Lord, in the midst of natural
disasters and terrorist attacks,
we may wonder at times where
are You. But we praise & exult you
that you are Still on Your throne,
Reigning over all heaven & earth.
And in an ever-changing world,
it’s comforting to remember that
You God does not change, for
You remain the same forever.
Unchanging God, we praise U for
your Faithfulness & Unfailing love.
You are working out Yr purposes &
You are the reason we hope! Amen

Dear Lord, we praise you that
You are not only holy but also merciful & Faithful to Your people.
Help us to Find Hope in sorrow
for Your compassion never fails &
restoration is upmost in your mind.
Help us see that U are In Control,
that you are Unchanging and
that you are Faithful working
out Your purposes for our lives.
Help us See Your Timing Is Perfect;
grant us willingness to be patient
and the faith to Wait upon You.
For Great is Thy Faithfulness. Amen